Sunday, October 25, 2009
Birthday Celebrations

Sunday, September 20, 2009
The end of a looooong week
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Never Turn Your Back on a Hungry Cat
Monday, August 31, 2009
Lazy Cat
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
First Days of Classes Fall '09
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thinking about Kenny
Mt. Rushmore, March 2009.
With Brother Tom in our backyard. July 2009.
With Artemus. Sometime in 2008.
With Tucker in the Romeoville apt. 2007
Building sand castles with Audra at Backbone State Park, May 2008.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Meet Me in St. Louis...Louis..
Monday, August 3, 2009
August Cometh
I can't write much else right now as I'm pooped from helping my buddy Lynn with some more flood cleanup at her house. We've really dug into her garage and today, our second day, found us making a dump run and cleaning out storage totes so that she can start organizing things into clean containers. It's really a rewarding project and we can see dramatic changes each time we work.
Tomorrow, I'm headed to my office to work on fall syllabi and to continue preparing my office for my new officemate. So much to do and so little time left to do it! In a couple of weeks, it's back to work and back to students. When August cometh, summer endeth.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Visit to Wisconsin
Our trip to the Farmer's Market amazed me with the almost 3 blocks of vendors. We each tried some Gelato, bought some kettle corn, and ate a BBQ pork skewer. Fabulous! Later in the afternoon, Lynsey and I took off for a lovely lunch at a local restaurant called Pullmans which overlooked the river. Naturally, we sampled some of the cheesecake! Then we headed off for a little shopping!
Before I knew it the weekend was over and I had to head back to Iowa. I was sad to leave them all, including Rigby the dog, who became my new BFF while I was there. Jack and I also became buddies and spent a lot of time playing with all of his fun toys in the basement. Believe it or not, during the whole weekend, I only managed to get one picture from the visit. Here I am with Lynsey and little Jack. Lynsey says she has some pictures of me, Jack, and Jeremy dancing downstairs to some Beatles music. Will post those sometime in the future.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Farewell to a Friend
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
July 2009: At a Glance
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Busy Busy Summer
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Deep Thoughts about a Burrito
Yesterday when I arrived in town, I treated myself to a burrito at El Porton, one of my favorite places when I used to live here. Sadly though, I discovered that it didn't taste as good as I remembered it, and I couldn't figure out why. It looked the same as it always did though the rice and beans did look a little different. I just couldn't figure out why it tasted somewhat different, less good, than I remembered. As I drove away feeling a little saddened by my lunch experience, I started thinking about life's changes and how much has happened in the past year. After all, it was just one year ago that I was living here (or had just left here) and was wrapping up the past 5 years of my life as a graduate student. In that year, I graduated, moved back to Iowa, started a job, experienced a tornado, got engaged, left a job, started a new better job, got married, and sent a husband off to war...again. Now here I am coming back after all these things happened and for some reason, here I am actually saddened by the fact that a burrito I used to love tasted different. Really significant, right?
In the end, I think it was really just my way of saying good-bye to who I was when I was a graduate student here. Perhaps I have different tastes now or maybe it's just a matter of remembering things in a different way from a different time. I don't know. I guess I'm not being super reflective here about life's changes, but in the end, I think it was just symbolic of moving on. My life as a burrito --now how's that for a metaphor?
Friday, April 17, 2009
South Dakota Pt. 3: Custer State Park and Deadwood
When we got to Custer State Park, we were impressed by the roaming buffalo that would stand right next to the car and often in the road right in front of the car as well. Ken and I got a kick out of having to stop while a couple of buffalo slowly...and I do emphasize slowly...made their way across the road.
We also drove through the surrounding old mining towns of Lead and Spearfish as we explored the area around Mt. Rushmore. Coming next, the visit to "the Heads," aka Mt. Rushmore.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Dark Days at HCC
Last week, the college cut 43 teachers -- 1/3 of our teaching staff. This includes 33 Regular Part Time teachers (like an adjunct but they teach 4 guarenteed classes a semester and get partial benefits) and 10 full-time faculty. By contract, the college has to fire all of its RPTs before it can start letting faculty go, and when that happens it usually means the new hires are the first to go. This would have included me, but for some reason, it did not this time (or at least I believe this for now). I think it has to do with who teaches where and how many other teachers there are in that department. I am the only full-time dev. writing teacher, so I think I'm safe for next year...but who really knows? Sadly, several of my friends that I started with this academic year are now faced with no jobs.
There is such a dark feeling around the campus now, and everyone is going to be affected by this. If you didn't lose your job, you feel bad for those who did. If you lost your job, you're wondering what you're going to do now. The sad thing is that the college will still need these teachers, so the question becomes: who will they hire? UNI in Cedar Falls let go of all their adjuncts too, so they may be competing with some of our RPTs for classes. Additionally sad is the fact that the college may try to rehire the fired RPTs as adjuncts and pay them significanlty lower amounts and give them no benefits. Rotten huh? No word on whether they will really do this or not, but that's one of the rumors.
Ken and I have had many discussions lately about what we would do if I lost my job, if not now, in the future. It's very scary to think about this happening to so many people. When it happens to those you work with everyday, it certainly becomes more real and it hurts to see those you care about frightened about the future.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
South Dakota Pt. 2: Corn Palace, Wall Drug, and the Badlands
Sunday, March 29, 2009
South Dakota Pt. I
Stop 2: Clear Lake, IA home of the Surf Ballroom, the last place Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and JP "the Big Bopper" Richardson played in Feb. 1959 before their plane went down a few miles outside of town.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
After 8 years...a wedding!
Here are a couple of pictures from the day shared with me from various friends/relatives who had cameras. If anyone else took pictures, I'd love to have copies! It's so hard not being able to take my own pictures. We'll get the proofs from the photographer in a week or so, but I love the candids that people take.

After the big day, Ken and I headed off for a little mini-honeymoon. Our official honeymoon will be in Hawaii after he comes back from Iraq in 2010, but in the mean time, we both agreed it would be nice to get out of town for a bit. We drove out to South Dakota and visited the Black Hills and Mt. Rushmore. I'll post pictures from that trip in a separate blog.
In short, it was a lovely wedding, reception, and trip afterwards. Now we have the grand task of writing all those Thank Yous. All I can say about that right now is that we're working on them and we will get them out soon!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
IA Wedding Shower
This is a picture of the ladies in my immediate family. Back L-R: Sister Melissa, Sister Connie, Brittaney, Mother, Niece Nicole, and Aunt Sheila. Front: Me, Grandma Frieda, Sister Corrina.
Here I am posing for a picture with my new set of cookware! It will be so nice having some "good" things at home and to be able to pass along some of our "gently used" items collected during bachelorhood and graduate school days.
Here is simply another shot of the room showing some of the wonderful guests who were able to make it. I wish I could have talked to everyone more, but it's so hard to get a chance to just sit down and catch up with everyone. I know that will be something that's hard for me about the wedding day too, but I am excited for the chance to see everyone and hopefully catch up if only for a little while.
And so there it is. One week from today, Ken and I'll be married. It's hard to imagine that this day is almost here after 8 years and a lot of memories already together.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Illinois Wedding Shower
Then, of course there was the absolutely wonderful carrot cake that Jan brought to the shower, along with chocolates from the Chocolatier in Bloomington, nuts, and tea. While people were feasting on the delicacies, I began opening presents so as not to delay the afternoon too long. I was taken aback at how generous my friends were as Ken and I received many lovely gifts for our home. Among some of the presents received were cookware, a cake plate/dome, roasting pan, picture frame, fondu pot, birdhouse, and wine. Some friends were not going to make it to the wedding in Iowa, so they shared shower and wedding gifts including a clock, webcam so Ken and I can stay in touch while he's in Iraq, and a GPS navigator for the car. In all, Ken and I now have many wonderful items to help build our home up. I am excited because now we have newer items to start with and can pass along some of our grad student/bachelor apartment items!
It was great to see everyone again. Before we knew it, the weekend was over and Mom and I were driving back to Iowa. The following weekend we had another shower for my Iowa friends and family, which was also a lot of fun. I'll try to get pictures posted from that soon.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Just Checking In
1) I've collected my first sets of papers for the semester. That means 6 sets of writing papers for my 6 classes. There are about 12-15 papers in each set, which might not seem like a lot until you realize how much commenting there is for me to do on them considering they are all very developmental and it's their first paper, so they're all making the "first time" errors.
2) Wedding items still loom large and in front. So much to do and only about 3 weeks left to go! Hard to believe, huh? Tomorrow, Ken and I are off to get the rings picked up and go get the marriage license. Hopefully, my dress will be ready late this week so that will be one less thing. I had two lovely showers recently, but that means Thank Yous to finish writing. I have just 1-2 left and then I'm done. Thank goodness! Who knew writing those would take so long!!! This weekend it's wrapping up table chocolates and preparing the rehearsal dinner invites and programs. Thanks to everyone who weighed in via email about my name change dilemma. I'm leaning toward keeping my own name now. I never realized how much work is involved with a name change. Wow!
3) Things at work are good for the most part with the exception of some terribly behaved students and an incident yesterday involving one terribly rude/aggressive student and a teacher in my dept. I swear, I've never had such bad cases of students with no discipline, a lack of maturity, and who are just plain rude. I have one class that I dread going to every Tuesday/Thursday because the students are so whiny, want everything spelled out for them, don't want to do the reading, talk over me and each other, have cell phone use issues, and then proceed to just simply be complete and utter jerks. I really seriously hate going to that class. About 2/3 of the students are great and it's only about 3-4 that are driving me nuts, but still, just those few make me dislike going and dealing with them.
Other things at work are kind of shaky too. The terrible economy has taken its toll on our college and we have to cut almost 25% of our budget due to the state budget crisis (the issue is that we have to cut an additional $1.2 million or something). The college president is now talking staff reductions and everyone is wondering who is going to be let go. I worry because I am a new hire and "low woman on the totem pole." My only hope is that I'm the only full-time writing instructor and I teach in Dev. Studies, a part of the campus that serves nearly 50% of the students. Still, it doesn't mean much when the circumstances are so bad. We're all worried about our jobs and what's yet to come. This topic took up the bulk of conversation during lunch today in the office. I feel bad complaining about students when there are so many other things to worry about with work, job security, etc.
I hope to have time this weekend to post some shower pictures.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Making of a Card Cake
I spent the next two weeks or so in between teaching and other things staring at the structure and waiting for inspiration to strike as to how to decorate it. I'm glad I waited and didn't just glue things according to my first instinct because I was able to get some good ideas from Gail who's doing my flowers. In the end, I think it turned out pretty good for my first try and for having no directions. I may tweak it a little with some of the side flowers, but if I don't have time, I'll be happy with it the way it is.