Ken left in early May for his month of training at Ft. McCoy, WI, so it was just me and the "boys"...otherwise known as the cats. We made it through May by taking a quick trip to Normal, IL to visit friends and be a guest speaker at the CTLT (see last blog). Then I attended a 2-day faculty teaching retreat at Hickory Hills Park near home. It was sort of like camping, so I was down with it. Tucker really wanted to come along.
At the very end of May, Ken came home for a few days of leave before heading to his next training station in IN. I caught a picture of him in "Army-mode" as I call it. Notice the serious expression on his face as he works on the couch. He didn't even change out of his uniform. The man is a work-a-holic!
After I chastised him for looking glum, he smiled and gave me a more "Kenny-like" picture. Sadly though, after a trip to Oelwein to stay with his folks for delicious food and house projects , a few days later he was off again to the next training station. I'm happy to report though that he will be home in mid-July for a few more days before really shipping out. Here's my Kenny.
In early June, I started two projects: teaching an 8-week summer writing class at work and taking a 5-week faculty development course of my own. In the mean time, I also snuck away to Daytona Beach for the last time to attend the AP English Language reading. There I scored many many student essays and enjoyed some fun beach time with my roomie Jan. Trying to keep up with grading students' work and doing my own homework while also doing the AP thing was a little taxing, so I think next year I may say "no" to teaching a summer class if I go to AP again.
So that's all for now. I'll try to be better about getting on here and posting. The rest of the summer should be more's hoping anyway!
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