Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 2009: At a Glance

Can it possibly be July already? I swear (and I am not one prone to too much swearing) that my summer is flying by way too fast. Well, the month started off with a family wedding on the 4th of July. Brother Tom's daughter Tracie married her intended, Cory, in a beautiful lakeside ceremony on the 4th. It was simple, elegant, and very touching. I was sad that Ken couldn't be there with me as he was still in Indy doing his pre-deployment training, but he was there in spirit, and the couple let me take some wedding cake home for him. Here is a picture of Tom and the beautiful bride on their way to meet the groom.
Then the month really kicked off when Ken was able to come home for his last leave before heading "over." We had 3.5 lovely days lounging around home, puttering around the house, and spending time with family. The visit went way too fast, but we were both grateful for the extra time we could spend together before the long haul really kicks in. I received a short email from him this afternoon saying they'd made it as far as Ireland and would continue on their journey as soon as some small details pertaining to the trip were cleared up (sandstorm, etc.).

I only have 2 weeks left of teaching my summer writing class. Then it's time to think about what I need to do to get ready for my 5 fall classes. I am planning a getaway soon though to visit friends Lynsey and Jeremy and their son Jack in Wisconsin. I am excited to see them again and excited to spend some time actually talking and hanging out with them. That's what summer's are for, right?! It's a bit of a drive up there though, so I think I may stop by the library beforehand and get some books on CD for the roadtrip. Before I know it, July will be wrapping up and August will be here again, and with it, the busy-ness of the fall semester. Hopefully, that will make the time go faster, and before I know it, Ken will be home again to share in the adventures.

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