Thursday, March 20, 2008

I Blame Ghosthunters for my Unfinished Diss

It's Thursday already. Boy, am I having a hard time adjusting to this time change. Normally, I'm the "in bed at 9-9:30 pm, up at 6 am, and getting down to business by 7:30 am" type person. But ever since the time change, I'm dragging in the morning and wanting to stay up at night. This is so unlike me. I'm not being nearly as productive as I was before break.

Add to that the fact that there is cable in the house where I live now. I've turned into a bit of a cable fan, but really only on Wednesday nights when I watch 3 hours of Ghosthunters. Yes, 3 hours. I don't even know why I like it, but I just do and can't pull myself away. So, I was watching a little GH in the family room last night when I started feeling terribly guilty about not working on the diss. So I go into the office to work at my computer only to decide to turn on the small flatscreen TV that just happens to be there next to my computer. (Note: If this was my house, I would never have placed a TV in such a place as I know I would never get work done. I'd also like to note that this is the first time I've turned it on since I moved there.) In the end, I managed to revise or review or something only a little bit of the diss, and that's because I was trying to work during the commercials. So not a good thing. I thought at least sitting in front of my computer would alleviate some of the guilt, but it made me feel worse that I didn't do much.

It looks like I have a lot of revising to do tonight and tomorrow. I'm staying home for most of the morning/early afternoon tomorrow and then heading to northern IL to Lisa and Matt's where I'll meet up with Ken (who gets Good Friday off) and his parents for an Easter weekend.


Brad Smith said...

I love that show! I think I've seen just about every episode. What are your favorite episodes? Here are mine, in no particular order:

The St. Augstine Light House
The creepy hotel from "The Shining," parts 1 and 2
The psychedelic medium episode
And where Frank the sound guy gets hit with his equipment bag.

Marcea said...

Hey Brad! I love it too! I think I like all the history behind the places that they go. My favorite episodes are...

The hotel in the Shining (so cool when the glass exploded by Jason while he slept!)
The old military fort
The psychiatric hospital

Anonymous said...

Just to play the, "look how cool I am via other people game" -

If you've seen the older episodes with Dustin...yeah, I know him. He's close friends with my friend Janelle and was best man at her wedding.