Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Do you ever just have one of those days?

Do you ever just have one of those days where you wonder where your ife is going and you're certain you'll never find a job? Well, that's my day today. I found out that I didn't get an interview for a position at a community college back in Iowa. I know it's not meant to be, but shoot, there just aren't many jobs there. What am I supposed to do? I'm really at a loss right now and am starting to get pretty depressed about the whole job situation. I was doing better there for a while when I at least had some "irons in the fire" and some feelers out for possible jobs. Now as they tick off one by one with no interview, no prospects, I'm starting to feel that familiar self doubt, that same sense of hopelessness. What have I been doing for the past 12 years to now make myself so completely unemployable? Watching others around me in my program go off to job interviews and start to get offers is not helping matters.

As I sit here and try desperately to work on revisions of my diss chapters so that I have a hope of getting them to my committee before spring break, I can't help but say to myself, "why bother?" Maybe the Director was right - why stress myself out about graduating in May when I have nothing to finish it for. No job to rush home to. What else will I have to do in Iowa when I go back besides sit and work on this?

I apologize for the dark tone to this blog. I've just hit a rough patch again. I did buy my graduation robe yesterday - the really nice one with the velvet stripes. I special ordered it because that's been something I've always wanted. It cost me an arm and a leg, but maybe it'll be worth it. I suppose I'll enjoy lounging in it around the house as I look for jobs. Give me a couple of days to perk up, and these posts will likely get more interesting.


Brad Smith said...

I'm right there with you, Marcy. This morning, I opened a letter from our cable company, saying that our promotional deal was over and that we would soon be charged standard rates for cable. And this message, for some strange reason, sent me into a tailspin of woe.

Between notices like this and messages from colleges, I'm not sure how many more "bad news" letters I can take this year. :)

If nothing pans out, maybe you could pick up some online classes or tutor online. I have some leads that I could share with you if you're interested. Send me an email.

Marcea said...

Thanks, Brad! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who gets emotionaly about seemingly insignificant things, like the cable. We both need some good news messages and soon! I've sent you an email about the online leads -- hope the ISU email is still what you use. :)