Friday, February 1, 2008

February 1, 2008

Here it is February. Wasn't it just yesterday that I was saying, "Here it is January"? Time is moving along far too quickly for my likes.

I just had a great conversation with my former advistor at UNI. After all the stress and negative energy I've been getting at ISU about not going officially on the market and selling myself short for a life in Iowa (i.e., leaving a career for a relationship - yes, that's the perspective out here if you do not go on the market and do a nation-wide search), I had a very good conversation with my UNI mentor. He understands, is supportive, and gets what I want my life to be. He did say that I could be in for some rough times finding a position in Iowa doing what I want, but he was very confident that I would find and be successful in something of my choice. This was something I desperately needed to hear as I haven't felt very supported at ISU lately, which has made it all the more difficult to finish. Anyway, I just want to send out a thanks to Dr. Bill for his support and guidance.

Here's a recent picture of the boys. It's been pretty cold lately, and so Artemus has been in hibernation mode. At first, I thought he was sick as he wasn't eating as much and was constantly sleeping/acting like a slug. Then I got him to start eating though he kept sleeping all the time, and so then I thought perhaps he had S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder), in response to which Ken asked me, "Did you diagnose this yourself?" And to which I replied, "Yes, just look at him!"

Anyway, now I don't think he has S.A.D., but is really just a short-haired cat who gets cold and hibernates in the early months of the year. He loves this purr pad that Nikki and Brian bought for Tucker when I first got him. Usually the cats fight over who gets it. As soon as one gets up to eat, drink, or use the litter, the other hops in and takes over. Now, they've gotten less polite and are going after it when the other is still in it. Here you see Tucker who has sidled on in with Artemus. Tucker, having just eaten his seventh meal of the day, is delightedly licking his chops and settling in for a toasty little rest. Shortly after this picture was taken Artemus decided he'd prefer to be alone elsewhere and left.

Last weekend, we had a lovely time in downtown Chicago with Brother Tom. We went to the Chicago History Museum, drove around Wrigley Field, and went to Blue Chicago for some music. This weekend is Ken and my last weekend in Illinois together at our apartment. I think we're going for one last trip to the Del Rhea Chix basket; other than that, I don't know what we'll do (besides continue to pack/organize). The packers come on Thursday and the movers on Friday.

Here's one more fun one of Tucker helping himself to more food in the pantry.


Brad Smith said...

Hey Marcy,

There's nothing wrong with "choosing love over a career." Three years later, my dissertation slowly plodding along, adjuncting at a tiny college fraught with issues and problems in the comp. program that I can do little about, living on a tight budget, I'd do it all over in a heartbeat. If love isn't worth making sacrifices for, then what is?

Don't let 'em get you down. ;)

Rachild said...

Your director is looking a a small part of your life, you are the only one who can see the big picture. You do what's right for you!

Marcea said...

Thanks, Brad and Rach, for the comments. I really needed to hear good things, and you both delivered! :) You're the best!

Anonymous said...

You know, I thought that I was pretty much in the "I'm so screwed position" when Brian took that job at ISU, but look how things turned out for us. Shows what director's know - life works out like it's supposed to...AND I didn't have to work at HCC :)

You'll be fine. It might be challenging to find the job you want (but who says it wouldn't be if you went on the national market?).