Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I miss the train conductor...

...but I don't miss the train. I'd forgotten how nice it is to live in the same town that I work in. I realized this just the other day when I filled my car up with gas after not needing to fill it up for over a week. When driving/commuting, I filled it sometimes twice a week, depending on the weather and the amount of driving. I do kind of miss Mr. C., the Tuesday/Thursday morning train conductor. He always knew my name and asked how things were going. Sometimes I wonder if he wonders what happened to me and why I don't ride the train anymore. Maybe I flatter myself by thinking he remembers me at all.

I have a job interview the Friday before spring break for the job that I didn't apply for. It's more of an interview/meeting to get to know me and learn more about what skills/qualifications I have that I might be able to bring to a job if one comes available. In that sense, maybe I shouldn't call it an interview at all. I'm trying to stay positive about the experience and hopeful that something good will work out. Of course the negative me just thinks, what's the point, but then I try to think of the good and say to myself, "maybe there'll be something for me after all." After all, I'm impressed that they want to meet with me at all considering I told them I didn't think I was qualified for the position we originally spoke about. At least the meeting will correspond with me driving home for spring break and I won't be making an extra trip.

...But going home sounds kind of like a good idea right now. I confess that I've been feeling a bit homesick lately. It's hard to get used to being alone after living with someone, and I'll admit it - I miss Ken and want to see him again. I wouldn't have admitted to being homesick if another friend hadn't come right out and said she was feeling that way too. I figured if she could say it (and she's older than me), then I could too. Why is it so hard to admit a weakness?

So, I'm toying with the idea of going home this weekend, but am not sure if I can swing it with the work I have to do. This weekend's agenda: write chapter 6, revise chapter 1 so it corresponds with the new focus for the diss, work on RWT lesson for website, and update professional writing portfolio for interview. I'm supposed to meet with the diss director on Thursday, but he's emailed me to let me know he's very busy and may not get my 2 chapters that I gave to him on Monday read by then. If he doesn't, then I guess I won't revise those this weekend. I'm supposed to wait until tomorrow to see if he has time to read them/comment on them to see if we're meeting. I've been writing like crazy allowing very little fun time, so maybe I need a trip home after all.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I would like to think that the train conductor wonders what happened. You should ride it one more time just to tell him you're ok.