Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pushed Out of Iowa

Yes, I was pushed...by a monster snow storm that was making its way east and causing nasty driving. I managed to stay in Iowa until Monday morning (so Ken and I could watch the Oscars together), but had to leave super early on Monday to get ahead of the storm. I left by 7 am which turned out to be fine. I hit some fog and a little drizzly rain near Cedar Rapids, but that was about the most exciting part of the drive. Here in Illinois, we got about 2-3 inches of snow overnight and they are calling for some blowing snow today. Lucky me, I am safely ensconced in the Lamonica's house with no plans to go anywhere until Spring Break (2 weeks).

The weekend in Iowa was just what I needed. I kept pretty much to myself most of the weekend, just seeing some family like Ken, Mom, Missy & family, and Grandma. Friday night, Ken and I had dinner together and then just hung out at the house in Parkersburg with the cats (yes, very exciting I know). Saturday, he had to help his sister Kathy move so I didn't see much of him. That was fine though as I spent the day with Mom and then we went over to Missy's house to have dinner with her family and Grandma too. It was very relaxing. Sunday, Ken and I worked at the house, went to Mom's for dinner, and then drove around the area looking at houses for rent (having no luck whatsoever). I'm totally discouraged about the possibility of finding a decent house in the area to rent. Even apartments in the area aren't that great. I think we're going to have to extend our search area a bit.

In all, I had a very nice time at home. I managed to work on my conclusion chapter a bit, but have tried to put the dissertation and its worries in the back of my mind (that is until Thursday when I have to meet with the Director again).

1 comment:

Susan said...

"ensconced"--great word, well played!