Saturday, February 9, 2008

Back to Normal

Real original title, eh? Like you didn't see that one coming. Yes, here I am in Normal, IL again. So far, so good. It was a little rough last night just because I was overly emotional with the move and having to leave Ken again. Truth be told, I was fine with everything until he got a little misty on me as we were walking out of our little apartment for the last time. It seemed so surreal to see it empty again. And now that I'm back in Normal and did some of my usual running around town (groceries, drop off recycling and items to goodwill, etc.), in some ways it feels like the last 7 months were all a dream. Did I ever leave? Was that whole living together thing even real? If it wasn't for this blog and the record of it all, I might not believe it all myself.

Things at my new digs are good. I spent some time last night getting myself settled into my room. Believe it or not people, but I have cable in my room! Talk about a luxury! It's a good thing I've moved my computer to the office on the main floor or I'd never get work done up there with cable. The Lamonicas have set me up really nice. They gave me a desk in their office where I set up my computer and can have internet access. I was worried about having to work on a dissertation without being able to check my email/blogs every 15 minutes when I get stuck. I even have a window so I can see what's happening at the Burt's house if I really want to (apparently the entire English department [or former dept members] lives on this street.

In other news, I may have a job interview for a job I didn't apply for. Weird huh? I checked my email last night to discover that I was being invited to interview for a grant writer job at the hospital back home where my mom, sister, and aunt work. I knew about this job in December and actually wrote the man about it to learn more. He replied by sending me the position description. After I read it, I didn't think I was qualified, so I wrote him back thanking him for sending it to me and noting that I may not be the best candidate. I never heard from him again, as I assumed would happen. Then out of the blue, nearly 2 months later, I get an email from a secretery saying this guy wants me to come in for an interview. I'm confused. I never even sent this guy a cover letter, let alone a resume or CV with my qualifications (or lack thereof)! I'm not sure whether I should go to it now as I don't think I'm qualified. I need to ask Mom what's going on and if there's something I should know about the position or the people. I wish I could get more requests for interviews for jobs I don't apply for. In truth, it would make my job search a lot easier.


Anonymous said...

Hi Marcy! Let's not start questioning how job offers come your way - just be happy there's some interest! It usually happens that jobs are found in weird ways. Everyone has a story. So don't over-analyze it! Lots of changes happening for you, and I'm sure it's hard to enjoy the chaos, but it's all exciting stuff! Say hi to Ken.

Susan said...

I think it's a good omen that someone is calling you about a job. Will you have to rename the blog now? :) Maybe you'll have a better title soon....