Thursday, January 17, 2008


Here it is Thursday of the first week of classes. Hard to believe the first week of my last semester at ISU is almost over. Things with the diss are moving, albeit yet slowly. I can say now that I have a full draft of the whole thing done. Before you start celebrating, this does not mean that I am done.

Here's the latest: The "Director" is sitting on the following chapters: Results Part II, Analysis, and the very short Conclusion. He's given me back my Results part I and my Introduction. I've already revised the Intro and will work on the Results part I this weekend. My goal is to finish those two and send to the other two readers. I think the Analysis will require a lot of work--just because the "Director" is prone to wanting a lot of analytical behaviors. Keep your fingers crossed that it isn't too bad. I worked on it the whole week before Christmas and a couple of days during break. Then I finished it last weekend: a grant total of about 48 pages. The methodology still needs work, and I've been putting that one off for a while. That will be my next project after I get the Results I and Intro out to the other readers.

Ken and I are working on relocation plans, which will also be part of this weekend's fun. The day of the move is approaching faster and faster, and I need to get my things organized to move back to B-N. It's so hard to know what to pack (in a minimalistic fashion) for 3 months.

In good news, I turned in my second RWT lesson contract and have been invited to do another project with them. I'm thinking if I don't find a job right away, I may try the freelance writer thing for a while (projects with IS, RTW, ME&V) and adjunct a couple of classes. I (half) jokingly told Ken that maybe I could get on his health insurance and live as a freelance writer. He didn't totally dshoot me down and rather said "sounds good" (maybe he thought I was joking). Well, I'll keep looking for jobs in Iowa, but it's nice to have some in-between projects going on too. I did get my invitation to go back as an AP Reader this summer again, which I'm happy about. I think Jan and I are rooming together again! That was so nice last year; as a Question Leader, she gets fancy perks like a suite instead of a room, and as her roomie, I get to partake in that as well! Sweet!

Gotta run - CTLT meeting now.

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