Friday, January 18, 2008

Pictures from Christmas

I just finished revising one of my chapters (Results part I), and am treating myself to a blog break! I've been meaning to get these pictures uploaded onto my computer for a while, but just haven't had the time. So here are a few pictures from the holiday visit home. Enjoy!

Here is a partial shot of Ken's family. Here we have, sister Maria, brother Tom with his Christmas Beer, and Ken's dad. We'd just finished eating and were about to start the gift exchange.
Earlier in the day, as we were all milling about upstairs eating ourselves silly, we spotted several deer in the back yard. Ken's dad and Evelyn have this amazing four seasons room that looks out over their back yard. There they have at least 4 tubs that they fill with cracked corn for the deer. It's become a pretty regular occurance to see the deer out there, but it's still always a treat. We joke that they feed them there to keep them off the roads.
Here's one picture when they had up to four at one time (they've had as many as 12 at one time!). The things you see hanging in front of the picture are the "squirrel contraptions." Ken's dad also has this thing about building devices holding corn and seeds that make it next-to-impossible for squirrels to get at the food. It's actually pretty good entertainment when they're all out there. I call it the "Squirrel Circus."

The picture to the left is one of Ken's dad going out to do his "chores," i.e., feed the deer (they get fed twice a day). Notice how unafraid the deer are of him. They just back a little ways away, but stay right out there waiting for him to finish setting out the food. Spoiled deer.

The next day, we headed to my sister Melissa's house to have my family Christmas. It was fun to watch Audra, who's now 3, really get into presents. She only mildly got the concept last year, but this year, she was all over it. Ken was good enough to play with her much of the time to keep her busy until present-opening time.
This last one of Ken and Audra (see below) is my favorite picture of the day. Obviously, two days of Christmas is more than enough for anyone. But it seemed to have a big impact on Ken and Audra, who both were pooped after opening so may presents and eating so much. Audra seemed to have taken a real liking to Ken over the holiday. She saw him sitting on the couch and went over and imitated him. The result is what you see below.

And so, there are a few snapshots of our holidays in Iowa. Who knows what all 2008 will bring, besides another move for Ken and me, a new job for Ken, a graduation (hopefully!) for me, and (hopefully) new career opportunities for me as well.

We'll keep you all posted.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Ken's dad should patent his squirrel-proof contraption! Love the pics.