Monday, January 28, 2008

Last Monday in January

I am having a terrible time getting motivated to work on my diss today, well, all weekend in fact. I spent all day last Friday finishing my seventh revision of my Methodology chapter. I sent it along to the "Director" with grand hopes that it will be at least closer to what he wants this time. I also finished revising chapter 4 from my second reader's comments, which weren't that bad. Today, I'm supposed to be working on revising chapter 5 from the Director's comments, but I just am not into it. I think it's because I can now see piles and piles of boxes behind me in my home office -- signs that moving day is quickly approaching. I feel like I should be doing something to get ready for that, but the truth is that I've done about all I can at this point.

I'm dreading receiving my chapter 6 (analysis) chapter back from the Director (if I ever really do get it back from a timely manner at least). His comments on chs 4 & 5 were so minimal that I'm afraid he's saving it all up for ch. 6 and the conclusion. I don't even want to advertise that I have a full draft of the thing done for fear it will jinx me with several revisions to the last chapters. I just have this feeling that I wasn't "analtical" enough in the analysis to pass.

I have some pictures from our weekend, but really need to get back to the diss chapter now. Maybe I'll be able to get some of those up here later.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Frozen eyeballs

So it's cold out here in IL. Really cold. According to the weather channel, it's 6 degrees out (-2 with wind chill). Though I'm nice and toasty now sitting inside with my cocoa, I got to experience that cold first-hand as I walked from the train station to the CTLT. It was brutal this morning. By the time I got to the Williams Hall area, by eyeballs were fighting the freeze. They had started watering, which, of course, led to my eyelashes freezing. It's an interesting feeling to blink and hear a slight crunching sound. I stopped in Williams to thaw out and then had to stop again in Fell to thaw once more before making the last trek to the CTLT. Thankfully, Claire (as well as many others) have offered to drive me to the station for my return trip. There are good people here.

Not much else happening. I received comments from reader #2 on chapters 1 and 4 with minimal revision suggestions, so I'm pleased. I'm still waiting for reader #3 to get back to me on those same chapters. This weekend, I plan to get back into chapter 3 and hopefully send what will be the 7th draft of that horrid beast to the Director. Then I'll focus on making the revisions I received from reader #2 on chapter 4 and the revisions I received from the Director on chapter 5. I'm also waiting for the Director to get back to me with comments on chapter 6. Confused yet? I am.

Tonight after coming home on the train, I need to clean the apt a bit. The guy from the moving company is supposed to come tomorrow morning to look over our stuff and ascertain how big of a truck/how many boxes/etc. we'll need for the move. It seems to be coming together, I guess. I started moving some things to Claire's for my own stay. I'm trying to do a little bit each week so as not to have a lot at once, but that's hard to do when I still need many of my things. We now have to focus on changing addresses for all things and canceling gas, electric, cable, etc. I hate that part.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Pictures from Christmas

I just finished revising one of my chapters (Results part I), and am treating myself to a blog break! I've been meaning to get these pictures uploaded onto my computer for a while, but just haven't had the time. So here are a few pictures from the holiday visit home. Enjoy!

Here is a partial shot of Ken's family. Here we have, sister Maria, brother Tom with his Christmas Beer, and Ken's dad. We'd just finished eating and were about to start the gift exchange.
Earlier in the day, as we were all milling about upstairs eating ourselves silly, we spotted several deer in the back yard. Ken's dad and Evelyn have this amazing four seasons room that looks out over their back yard. There they have at least 4 tubs that they fill with cracked corn for the deer. It's become a pretty regular occurance to see the deer out there, but it's still always a treat. We joke that they feed them there to keep them off the roads.
Here's one picture when they had up to four at one time (they've had as many as 12 at one time!). The things you see hanging in front of the picture are the "squirrel contraptions." Ken's dad also has this thing about building devices holding corn and seeds that make it next-to-impossible for squirrels to get at the food. It's actually pretty good entertainment when they're all out there. I call it the "Squirrel Circus."

The picture to the left is one of Ken's dad going out to do his "chores," i.e., feed the deer (they get fed twice a day). Notice how unafraid the deer are of him. They just back a little ways away, but stay right out there waiting for him to finish setting out the food. Spoiled deer.

The next day, we headed to my sister Melissa's house to have my family Christmas. It was fun to watch Audra, who's now 3, really get into presents. She only mildly got the concept last year, but this year, she was all over it. Ken was good enough to play with her much of the time to keep her busy until present-opening time.
This last one of Ken and Audra (see below) is my favorite picture of the day. Obviously, two days of Christmas is more than enough for anyone. But it seemed to have a big impact on Ken and Audra, who both were pooped after opening so may presents and eating so much. Audra seemed to have taken a real liking to Ken over the holiday. She saw him sitting on the couch and went over and imitated him. The result is what you see below.

And so, there are a few snapshots of our holidays in Iowa. Who knows what all 2008 will bring, besides another move for Ken and me, a new job for Ken, a graduation (hopefully!) for me, and (hopefully) new career opportunities for me as well.

We'll keep you all posted.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Here it is Thursday of the first week of classes. Hard to believe the first week of my last semester at ISU is almost over. Things with the diss are moving, albeit yet slowly. I can say now that I have a full draft of the whole thing done. Before you start celebrating, this does not mean that I am done.

Here's the latest: The "Director" is sitting on the following chapters: Results Part II, Analysis, and the very short Conclusion. He's given me back my Results part I and my Introduction. I've already revised the Intro and will work on the Results part I this weekend. My goal is to finish those two and send to the other two readers. I think the Analysis will require a lot of work--just because the "Director" is prone to wanting a lot of analytical behaviors. Keep your fingers crossed that it isn't too bad. I worked on it the whole week before Christmas and a couple of days during break. Then I finished it last weekend: a grant total of about 48 pages. The methodology still needs work, and I've been putting that one off for a while. That will be my next project after I get the Results I and Intro out to the other readers.

Ken and I are working on relocation plans, which will also be part of this weekend's fun. The day of the move is approaching faster and faster, and I need to get my things organized to move back to B-N. It's so hard to know what to pack (in a minimalistic fashion) for 3 months.

In good news, I turned in my second RWT lesson contract and have been invited to do another project with them. I'm thinking if I don't find a job right away, I may try the freelance writer thing for a while (projects with IS, RTW, ME&V) and adjunct a couple of classes. I (half) jokingly told Ken that maybe I could get on his health insurance and live as a freelance writer. He didn't totally dshoot me down and rather said "sounds good" (maybe he thought I was joking). Well, I'll keep looking for jobs in Iowa, but it's nice to have some in-between projects going on too. I did get my invitation to go back as an AP Reader this summer again, which I'm happy about. I think Jan and I are rooming together again! That was so nice last year; as a Question Leader, she gets fancy perks like a suite instead of a room, and as her roomie, I get to partake in that as well! Sweet!

Gotta run - CTLT meeting now.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Pondering the Big Move

Today, Ken turned in our memo to the apartment office notifying them of our intent to move out in February. This, along with other items related to the move, has been hitting me kind of hard lately. I'm very sad to think about leaving our little apartment. We haven't lived here very long (as those of you who've been following this blog know), and this was our first home together. When we leave, Ken will stay at his sister's house, renting it for a while, and I'll go back to B-N to stay with people and then will go with him to that house or someplace else. While we'll still be together, we won't have our little apartment home anymore. Everything will be packed up for the most part, and it'll be a while before we find a home of our own again together like this.

This weekend, as I was doing laundry and working on the diss, I could not help but think that this was one of our last few weekends together like this in our home. Soon, I'll go back to my weekends alone in B-N and he'll be with family in Iowa (an ironic reversal when you think about how we lived like that for years when I was in Iowa with family and he was alone in Illinois). Even though I know they're changes that will be good eventually, I think I'm sad about leaving what we've built here together.

I'm also nervous about the possibility of Ken getting called up again. It could happen as early as this year, which means even more changes. Again, something that makes this time together all the more precious and important.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Saturday Planetarium Fun

Ken and I heard on the news Friday night that the Adler Planetarium in Chicago was having one of its "free" weeks, so we decided to take in a little more of Chicago before we leave. Because we're leaving the area soon and we hardly ever take in the sights of the city anymore, we decided to spend the afternoon together downtown.

We spent the morning at home working on things and then took off for the city around 12:30, getting to downtown around 1:00. I don't know how we did it, but we managed to score prime street parking right outside of the planetarium itself, which if you know Chicago is nearly impossible to do. Just as we were making our first half circle around the street/meter parking outside of the building, a couple waved to us signaling that they were leaving and could have their spot. It was perfect.

We spent about 3 hours at the planetarium (it closed at 4:30) and even took in their "Night Sky" show in one of the theaters, which was pretty cool -- except "Steve" the speaker kept asking the audience questions about "what's this star named?" or "what were the names of the two rovers on Mars?" and there was this know-it-all kid in the audience (age: approximately 8) who knew the answers to EVERYTHING. Very annoying. There was a really cool exhibit on going to the moon with special collection items from Jim Lovell. We got to see a lot of real Apollo 13 gear and the actually Apollo 11 capsule that the astronauts landed in the water in on their return from space. In short, a very fun, relaxing afternoon.

Afterwards, we drove up to Wrigleyville to see Wrigley Field. Believe it or not, neither Ken nor I have ever seen it. Then we stopped for dinner at a place called Chicago Joe's which wasn't too far away. It looked fun from the outside -- sort of a unique form of a Joe's Crab Shack. The food was "American Fare," as Lisa would call it. We both had soup, which was wondeful, and Ken had the meatloaf and I had the Chicken Parmagiana. Again, though parking outside was limited, we somehow managed to score a perfect spot right in front of the building on the street. The Chicago parking gods were looking out for us that day.

We came home, relaxed, and then just for the heck of it, put in the movie Apollo 13 to cap the day off. I fell asleep about halfway through because it was getting late, but I've seen it before. Overall, a lovely way to spend one of our last Saturdays in Illinois together.

Nest weekend: A tribute to Gurney Mills with Matt & Lisa.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Post Christmas - January 2008

I apologize for the delay in posting. We returned from Iowa and the holiday festivities just this past Sunday night. Ken had Army this weekend, so we decided to just stay put in Iowa for two weeks. It also gave him a chance to use up some of his vacation days before leaving his job. In short, it was a nice holiday visit., and I'll try to get some pictures posted this weekend.

We had the chance to see many family members on both sides. Christmas eve day and evening was spent with Ken's family in Oelwein, IA where we all took part in the traditional Christmas soup selections--much to Ken's delight. This year we had 4 crockpots going: Chix noodle, vegetable beef, and two chilis (bean and no bean). There was so much good food that no one even made it to Evelyn's desserts: apple pie and an enormous pan of frosted chocolate brownies. I even took part in a game of Scattergories with the tween/teen girls in the family.

Christmas day found us in Cedar Falls with my family. We all gathered at sister Melissa and husband Jeff's new house and took part in our traditional rowdy game of "steal the grab-bag present." This year, we had an added twist. In addition to everyone bringing a nice new gift to exchange, everyone was supposed to bring a basement, or white elephant gift, that was supposed to come from your basement and be something you want to get rid of. I ended up getting an old pink boom box/radio that was orginally mine when I was 8 years old. (Cousin Alicia and I had matching ones from Grandma. When I was about 15, I loaned mine to grandma so she could practice her line dancing to her tapes. At a later date, she gave it to uncle Roger who used it for many years in his tractor and who this year returned it to the Christmas gift exchange. Imagine my shock at seeing the old girl again after so many years! I stole her back and feel better knowing she's back home with me -- even if she is a bit faded from the tractor and her antenna is broken off. She still works!!!)

Now, it's back to work and back to seriously thinking about moving and dissertating. Unfortunately, I can't do any of that until after Wednesday and the annual Teaching & Learning Symposium is done. I'm swamped with working until Thursday. Yesterday, I braved the storms and tornados on the Amtrak to get to Normal and back home so that I could help out with Symposium items. The trains were running very very late last night. I ended up getting off the train in Dwight, IL instead of Joliet and having Ken drive to pick me up because the delays into Joliet were so terrible. In short, they couldn't guarentee that I'd be into Joliet before midnight. Ken and I arrived home by 10 pm. Today, I'm staying home until this afternoon at which time I get to go to O'Hare and pick up our guest speaker and his wife and take him to Normal for the event. I even get to go to a fine dinner with the CTLT head honchos, the guest speaker, and people from the Provosts Office. I'll be staying in Normal with Claire and Tom tonight and Wednesday night to be closer for the event. Busy busy.

On the plus side, I have done some good drafting on my dissertation, even getting about 30 pages written on my Analysis chapter over break. I'll finish that draft this weekend and send to the "Director." That will leave me to write my conclusion and then I'll have a first full draft of everything. I still have to revise everything of course, including my horrible Methodology chapter which I loathe and never want to think about again. I did get two chapters back from the "Director" recently which didn't have as many terrible comments on them as I thought. I look forward to revising those and sending along to the other readers soon. Time's running out on that thing and I need to get done or at least get it ready to give a whole draft to the committee. Hopefully this weekend will afford me the time I need to just sit and get my brain wrapped around it again.

Okay - I have to run and get ready. Need to go to the post office and pick up held mail and then pack for the next couple of days. Will try to post holiday pics soon!