Thursday, November 29, 2007

Almost December

My gosh. How can November almost be over already? Of course, since I'm not teaching this semester, I'm missing out on all of the end-of-semester wonderful events that go with grading, revising, regrading, etc. I kind of miss that feeling of getting all those papers, getting them graded, and then turning in grades and feeling good knowing there's a big load of work done.

Now I just have the dissertation, which frankly never gets done. I'm on p. 64 of my results chapter with, I'd say, at leat 20 to go until I send that one off for the first in many revisions. My methodology chapter (draft 5) came back to me with MORE, yes I did not think it was possible, more revisions needed. After whining to my director, he suggested I focus on the other chapters and leave that to the end. He said it will make a lot more sense when that's the only thing left. And so leave it, I shall.

Thanksgiving at home was good. We ate too much, we traveled too much, and I got nothing done. There was a bit o'news that will be interesting to share with you all, but I'm waiting a little bit longer to do so. Nothing like dragging out the suspense, eh? Plus, this way you all have to keep reading the blog! Mwaa haa haa! Anyway, this news has shaken up life a bit, but people keep assuring me that all will come together as it is supposed to, and so trust them, I shall. I'll share with you all soon.

Well, I have to be off now. Have a meeting with the diss director. More later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're very cruel to announce the prospect of news but not to share....