Thursday, November 1, 2007

Welcome (or Not?) November

Here it is, November 1 already and so little of the dissertation to show for it. In my defense, October has been a horrendously busy month. With yet another Coal City workshop presentation, an IATE conference presentation, a birthday, another Iranian Studies issue to copyedit, and a 4-day work-related trip to Pittsburgh, it's a wonder I got anything done at all.

Today finds me working on yet another revision of the Methodology chapter. Yes, seven weeks later, I finally got director comments (only to wish I hadn't). The result: more work. Will it ever be finished, I wonder. Who knows. But here I am plugging away at it again. This time I've cut out almost half of what I put in last time, per director requests. I've sent the first 40 pages of my Results chapter on to him again...with very little hope of seeing comments before the end of November (ok, am I just being nasty here?) I know that chapter's in very rough shape, but at least it's something drafted, or so I tell myself. I'm sure that one wil come back as slaughtered as the others.

It'll just be me and the cats this weekend. Ken's off to play Army in WI, so I'm hoping for a productive work weekend at home. It would be nice to have visitors, but I guess I'm just too far away. I'll probably be back on here this weekend sometime as I search for a break from writing.

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