Saturday, November 10, 2007

Weekend at Home

This weekend finds Ken and me at home in IL. He's dinking around the apartment doing little weekend projects, and I'm trying to get things organized as well. On Wednesday, Mom, Melissa, and I leave for NYC where I'm attending a Writing Project conference. Mom and Missy will be sightseeing on their own. I wish I could do that too. But I was just there in March. Hopefully, we'll have some time to do things together in the evenings and on Saturday for sure. We'll return to IL on Sunday morning at which time Mom and Missy will drive back to Iowa. Ken and I'll be leaving early in the week for Iowa ourselves to celebrate the holiday.

I need to get writing done this weekend as I'll lose several days and another weekend with the traveling. My goal is to return to the Results chapter and see what I can get drafted. My director gave me minimal comments on the first 40 pages, so I feel as though I can move forward with some confidence. I keep dreaming of what it will feel like someday to have my weekends back and not to be working on this project.

Not much else to share right now. May have more news later.

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