Thursday, February 21, 2008

That's it. I'm going home.

I finally made up my mind. I'm going go home this weekend to recuperate from dissertation-induced insanity. The director said he can't read the two latest chapters I gave him because he's too busy (never mind the fact that I worked my butt off all last weekend, even cancelling fun plans [see previous posts] to get those to him). Apparently one of the faculty members in the dept, who is notorious for getting sick, is sick yet again. Of course, everyone around here is sick with the walking death plague, so I can't blame this person too much for getting sick and needing the director to fill in, although really now, this person always seems to be sick! I know because I had two classes with said instructor and we always missed 1/3 of the course due to instructor illness. As a student, I didn't mind if class was cancelled. I rather enjoyed it in fact. However, now that I've got a schedule to keep and this person is infringing on that schedule, I'm peeved. Enough said.

So I'm heading home tomorrow for a brief visit home with family. Ken has to help one of his sisters move on Sat and Sun, so I won't even see much of him (I'm refusing to spend my recuperation weekend moving anyone!). That's a bummer. But at least I'll see him for a bit on Friday evening and maybe Sunday evening so I can hear how the new job is going. I'll also get to see the cats, which I admit to missing something terrible. I really like Tom & Claire's cats, Maggie and Merlin, but I do miss my own too. Somehow, though, I doubt they even know I'm gone.

I've got another 2 hours at the CTLT and then off to Heartland for some fun time working on tutoring projects until 6. Claire's invited me to an ISU women's basketball game, which I think will be fun as we have an awesome team. Then home to pack and rest up for Friday's drive home. I, too, have been fighting the comings-on of the death plague which seems to want to claim me as a victim too. For that, I blame all the students at Heartland who refuse to stay home when they are obviously walking germ factories and dissertation directors for causing unneeded stress which has weakened my immune system. With that said, I'm going to pump some more hand sanitizer and be on my way!


Susan said...

Who is the instructor?????? Give me some clue!!! Walking death plague sounds horrible--what are the symptoms?

Marcea said...

The instructor's initials ar LB and she is a tech writing teacher.