Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Last Post From Romeoville

This will be the last post from our little apartment in Romeoville. Tonight I have to tear down the computer and disconnect the internet in anticipation of the packers coming tomorrow. Whatever will I do without my internet, my lifeline to the rest of the world?! Alas, it's finally time to pack everything up and send Ken off to Iowa and me off to Normal once again.

I spent today at home instead of at work as the weather in the Chicago area is horrible. We're getting "another major storm." It's been snowing here since around noon, and I think it's really just the beginning. The weather person is saying we could get between 8-12 inches of snow. Great. That should make the packers/movers happy.

I'm in a not-so-happy dissertation place. After a freak-out weekend of horrible miscommunication emails with the "director," we had a "come-to-Jesus"..."let's-settle-this-thing-like-men" talk on Tuesday (after I met with the grad coordinator to get up my nerve, of course). We're now on a better page about things. The good news: he really liked the last 10 pages of chapter 6, analysis chapter. The bad news: this means I need to scrap chapters four and five and rewrite them so that they lead into the good part of ch. 6 AND beef up chapter 6 and the conclusion, all of which the director says I can easily do. Right. Oh, and do all of this in less than 2 weeks. Should be fun, right? Moving, adjusting to a new living/writing environment, and rewriting 2-3 chapters. Great. I just want this *#*#* thing done! Can't you tell? Somebody get me out of here.

No real job prospects yet. I've applied for two more positions in Iowa, so hopefully one will come through or I'll at least get an interview to make me feel better. I need to stop thinking about jobs and get the diss done, I know. I spent the greter part of 2 hours today just filling out the online application. What ever happened to just sending a resume & cover letter, I'd like to know. Why do I have to repeat every bit of my resume on the online app AND send a resume too?!

Some good news is that people seem to be happy that I'm coming back to Normal again. I've already started making some plans for when I'm there, which I know will help ease the adjustment. It will be good to be with friends again, but I know I'll miss Ken a lot. We've grown a lot closer doing this cohabitational thing. For now, the cohabitational blog title will be a little ways from the truth, but come May, we'll be back in that setting again.


Rachild said...

Hey Marcy this is just one step closer to where to really want to be. There is a light at the end of the tunnel now. Plus I hear a really hot young author will be passing through Normal next week. :)

Anonymous said...

We'll have to get together sometime. I know that we're always on opposite schedules when you're commuting, so hopefully this will work out better :)

Marcea said...

I'm up for getting together. Just let me know when you're free!