Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Home and Away

We're home from a very nice weekend in Iowa. I have to tell you how unbelievably spoiled I am when I go home. Mom was wonderful. Friday morning and early afternoon we went shopping (looking for bargains, of course), and we found some. Mom and I found some nice shirts that we both liked, so ... dare I say it... my mother and I got matching shirts. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Of course, with one in Iowa and one in Illinois, I doubt we'll have to worry about wearing the same shirt -- unlike the way Suzie and I used to have to call the other if one of us was wearing pinkie or blackie (we had 2 matching shirts from a joint shopping trip, and, yes, we named them.).

Back to the weekend: Mom also spoiled us rotten with fresh Iowa Sweet corn and peaches. She made a peach pie and peach jam. The pie was gone after we shared it with Grandma and Art, but I made I back to IL with a jar of delicious peach jam. There's nothing like it in the world! And of course, Sunday night we had a nice dinner of roast beef, potatoes and more sweet corn. Needless to say, my clothes don't fit so great after the weekend (but did they really before?). Ok. Enough about the food.

It was good to come home last night from work and have a night "at home." Perhaps because it's early in our cohabitating life, but making dinner together was fun. Afterwards, we enjoyed some of my new fav show "Dirty Jobs" with Mike Rowe. Again, what am I going to do once we get rid of cable? I need to do some work tonight, but I'm excited about watching Ghosthunters again!

We're home for a few days and then off we go to Kansas City, MO on Thursday for a military conference (my first one!). Tonight will be packing and trying to decide what to wear to such a thing. I started this last night, and at the time Ken couldn't understand why I found this task so challenging (NOTE: he only has to wear his uniform all weekend). Sigh.


Anonymous said...

To what conference are you going? Have fun! Dawn

Marcea said...

We're going to the 89th Regional Readiness Command Battle Focus Conference. Spiffy name, eh?

Rachild said...

Susie still thinks of you when she wears pinkie or blackie :)