Friday, August 31, 2007

Settling In

We're finally starting to really settle in and the apartment is starting feel like home. Ken's been working on little (though I dare not call them "little") projects around the apartment. One of his more recent ones, as of last weekend, was installing a new shelf above the washer and dryer in our laundry room. There was one shelf already there, but it was pretty high which made it hard to reach the detergent, etc. We went to Menards and picked out one almost identical. Ken installed and it looks, and functions, great. We are still adjusting to having our own washer and dryer. After so many years of carting numerous loads to Iowa and making due with apt washers, it still seems like such a luxury to be able to do our laundry whenever we want. I'm sure that excitement will wear off at some point.

Today is "bye bye cable" day. Yes, we had it for our month and it was wonderful. We'll miss it dearly, but we're trying to be economical and we really don't need it. It causes us to watch too much of it and not get work done. The cable person is supposed to be here between 8-10 this morning to get rid of it. Haven't seen him/her yet, so I don't know what's happening.

In other news, last weekend we drove around town and stopped for ice cream at a little shop close to Joliet. I can't remember what it's called, but I'm calling it "Jake and Elwood's" for reasons which should appear obvious when you look at the picture. It was great, and the ice cream tasted exactly like Dairy Queen's. There's a little mini-golf place across the street which I had to promise Ken that we would play the following weekend. Thankfully, the weather should be nice. We'll probably take Matt & Lisa there too when they come to visit this weekend.

Tucker's been doing well. He's particularly happy sitting in front of the sliding glass door or sitting on the table or desk when I'm trying to work on my dissertation. He's adjusted just fine. It's hard to imagine how he would act otherwise. He has a feud going on right now with a local chipmunk that's been tormenting him from the outside. It's pretty funny to watch them. Tuck can't do much, obviously, from behind the glass, and "Chip" as he's known knows it. Notice how Tuck's ears are turned all the way back and he's croutched in an attack mode while Chip scampers away, laughing I're sure.

That's all that's been happening here. Hope all is well with you. Thanks for reading, and have a great Labor Day weekend!

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