Saturday, August 11, 2007

Back in the 'Loo

This weekend finds us back in Waterloo, aka "The 'Loo." Ken has 4 dys of Army duty and I have a dentist appt on Monday, so here we are. I'm currently sitting at the Panera in Waterloo trying to get some editing work done. I've managed to review 2 authors' articles so far and am now stalling on working on some of the other, more complicated, ones. It's hard to do get work done when visiting home because so much of my work needs Internet. This is my first time going to the Panera, but so far, so good. I tried the Barnes & Noble first, but they charge you for their wireless. Panera was free, so I stayed here.

It's been a good weekend so far. Friday, Mom and I went shopping and I found an interviewing suit (will have to start looking for real jobs this fall/early spring) and a possible dress for the Army formal in Oct. What a pain it is to find a dressy dress! Shopping for that is just not my thing. I'm still not totally happy with the one I bought, but it will work if I don't find another and at least it was on sale. Friday night I hung out with my friend Kristin and her family. I finally got to meet her two little twin girls!! What a treat! I waited far too long to get to see them. I also had a lot of fun hanging out with her and her parents - some of my favorite people in this world! Today (Sat.), I had lunch with Holly, Jim and Jonathon which was very nice. Once I decide I've done about all the "work" I can do here at Panera, I'll head home and see Mom. She is supposed to be making peach jam and possibly a peach pie. We may go see Grandma later today. Gotta love being home, eh?

That's about all that's happening here. Got some good news from one of my diss chapter readers who said that my latest revision to the Lit Review is good. When I get home, I'll start working on that Methodology chapter again or dig back into the Results chapter. His good comments have given me a boost!

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