Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Lovely Memorial Day Weekend Underway

The Memorial Day weekend has officially begun! We started the weekend off by celebrating Ken's niece, Elizabeth's, graduation from CF High School at her open house on Saturday. The food was amazing and the decor just right! Kudos to the family for all their hard work. It looked great!

Then just as things at the open house were getting into full swing, Ken and I jetted off to get ready for friends Josh and Emily's wedding. What a beautiful event! The sun came out just in time to add to the lovely day of celebrating. It was wonderful to see the Simon family again and enjoy good food and dancing. Cheers to Josh and Emily for a wonderful new beginning together!

Once we petered out of dancing at the wedding (we are getting old after all), we headed home to rest and enjoy the marathon of Memorial Day military movies on TV. We watched (and nearly finished) Apocalypse Now. That was my first time watching that, and "yikes" is about all I can say. This morning, I caught the end of From Here to Eternity and Ken picked up a bit of MacArthur. We're both taking a break from the TV now so as to get work done. For me, this means catching up on some laundry and working on my summer course materials. For him, it means hiding in the den working away at emails and "paper shuffling."

Tomorrow will be a birthday party for a friend's daughter and then maybe a trip to a few cemeteries. Of course at this time of the year we cannot help but also think about the tornado that came through Parkersburg just three years ago this weekend. Watching the devastation of other areas of the country, including Joplin, have caused us to relive some of those feelings again. We pray for the people who are going through such a difficult time now.

We wish everyone a safe and relaxing Memorial Day weekend. Most importantly, please remember those who are gone, those who have served, and those who are currently serving. God bless.

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