Monday, January 12, 2009

Spring Semester: A First Day Blizzard

Day 1 of the spring semester has us facing another lovely Iowa blizzard. Yes, a blizzard. As I was walking to my first classes this morning (I taught 8 am, 9 am and 10 am), I had no trouble until the 10 am class. Naturally all of my classes are in different buildings aacross campus so I have to suit up -- coat, hat, gloves, bag, etc. just to trek 5-10 minutes across campus to get to my next class. On the way to my third class, the blowing snow had already started though they said the full effects of the snow/wind wouldn't start until this afternoon. As I walked, I could barely look up to see where I was going as the blowing snow was so bad. I just have one more class to get to at 1 p.m. and thankfully it's in the same building as my office. I just have to walk down the hall -- no coat, no gloves, no nothing. Sweet!

I did just learn that classes at Hawkeye have been canceled starting at 3 pm today. What about canceling them now? I suppose I should be happy that I can get my last first class in today before they cancel them all, but still. I'm tired and would like to go home and keep working on wedding invites that I need to get weighed and mailed soon and that card cake that is just plain fun to actually work on (pics to be posted soon). I bought a glue gun last week and am having a good ole time gluing things to this 3-tired cake-like structure. I've just realized that the wedding is a mere 8 weeks away and there is still a lot to do.

I also need to ready our guest bedroom as Ken's parents are coming in tomorrow to stay for a day or two. His dad is going in for surgery to have some stints put in. It's kind of scary when you think about it. It's the same thing my Grandma had to have done last year. His appointment is at 6 am on Wednesday, so they're driving in from Oelwein to stay overnight and get there early enough in the morning. One of Ken's soldiers from Muscatine, IA stayed with us this weekend as it was their Army drilling weekend and needed a bed, so after having him here, I need to freshen up the room with some clean linens, towels, and a quick vacuum. I love getting into B&B mode! I wish more people would come stay with us as it's actually fun to get ready for them!

And so back to my classes at Hawkeye. At least the students in the first 3 classes I've had today seem nice. No obvious concerns just yet, or at least no one mouthed off or looked too bored during the 50 minutes we were together. One already revealed that he is a recovering alcoholic who's back in school after 20 years. So that makes 2 of them between last semester and this semester. That's always interesting. It always amazes me how open people are here about their personal situations. I also have some special needs students already that have more obvious needs. No one has shown me their special accommodations sheet yet though so there may be more.

On a syllabus note, I've made a greater point this semester of making it clear to students that I will not tolerate the following: texting on cell phones and making fun of other students during class. By "making fun" I mean students making faces/rolling eyes when another speaks, etc. I had a problem in one class with this last semester and it drove me nuts. I mean, seriously people, this is college. Grow up. I'm calling it my "Zero Tolerance Policy" and I told them if it happened, they get 1 warning and then they're out of class. I didn't say when or if they could come back. I just said they were out. I'm sick of the immature behavior.

Well, I guess I better get ready for class #4 which is coming up. Then I head home to hunker down and watch the blizzard unfold from the living room, glue gun in hand. The only thing is that I'll have to worry about Ken making it home from Deere on the far side of town. The big question on everyone's mind (ok - maybe just my mind) ....will classes be cancelled tomorrow?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew you were making the cake card thingy.. I have one that could easily and quickly revamped for you!! Oh well, its really all part of the experience.. good luck. careful of the glue gun burns.. i had a couple! ;-)