During our other tradition of the "white elephant" or "bring something from your basement" gift exchange, we all laughed when some interesting gifts came out. People started the game off right by stealing gifts from others. My nephew Josh got a gold purse, which Missy promptly stole. Then someone ended up with a singing/dancing woodchuck from the movie Caddyshack which Scott stole away. I ended up getting a Yogo ball first, but Josh's girlfriend stole that from me and then I ended up with a half broken blender. Ken walked away with a tool box that had a bunch of old baseball cards in it. We all had some good laughs when Jeff brought out an old wig that he'd been given as a gag gift when he left his job at Musco Lighting (Jeff shaves his head). He tried it on and then so did Ken. It's interesting to see what he would look like with curly hair.
Ken and I were excited to give his dad an engineer's hat we found for him. His dad has been working a lot with his model railroads/trains, so we thought that would be a fitting gift. We think he liked it as he wore it the rest of the evening!
And finally, here's one of Teresa, Elizabeth, Lisa and me on our way to the local thrift store for our annual Christmas eve thrift store run. (Linda had to step out of the van to fill up on gas.) That tradition started a couple of years ago (for reasons I cannot remember), but we've made it an annual event now just because it was so much fun. We had a lot of laughs on the way there and back.
And now that those major holidays are over, Ken and I are trying to figure out a way to get out of town. We've planned a trip to Tennessee, but so far have been unable to make it out of Iowa. First there was the fog that engulfed Cedar Rapids and now we're dealing with an Ice Storm. We're going to try to get out of Waterloo today, but we'll see. I'll post the details as they become available.
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