Monday, April 14, 2008

Will We Be Homeless?

I went to Iowa this weekend with the hope that Ken and I would get our housing situation settled. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. We looked at a few places and found one that we were pretty happy with, but after one co-owner had all but made Ken think it would be ready for us, the other co-owner told us that that wasn't totally the case. The current renters had not officially given notice and the owners didn't really want to force the issue since they have been good renters. Where does that leave us? Nowhere. But at least we're ok for a few more weeks. Bad news: Ken's sister has sold her house (where Ken's been staying and where our stuff has been stored since the move) and has a May 30 closing date. This means we have to have a new home before then so we can get out stuff out. Here's where the situation becomes tricky.

Option 1: Rent any place just to have a place. Sign a 12-month lease. Move our things out of the current house and into a new place all at once.

Problem 1: We haven't found a place that exactly meets our needs or that we're completely happy with.

Problem 2: I've been applying for jobs which are out of town and if (please God) I get one of them, we may want a place that's more in-between that place and Waterloo so as to cut the drive. Signing a 12-month lease now without any knowledge of jobs might be a bad idea.

Problem 3: Risk taking an apt that we aren't really sure we want just to have a place then then find one we like better but are stuck in a lease.

Problem 4: Sign a lease without me having a job and then Ken get's deployed (yes, it could happen). I'm left with a lease and no job. Definitely not appealing.

Option 2: Wait to sign a lease until we know more about jobs situation or find a home we like more.

Problem 1: If we wait to sign a lease for a month or so, we'll still have to move our stuff out of Kathy's house, store it, and then just have to move it again, resulting in much backbreaking labor and moving costs. Not appealing.

Problem 2: If we don't sign a lease, we have to live with more family. I hate to incovenience family. They've have been great and very supportive, but I would like to have my own space and my own things about me again.

Well, that's all I can think of right now. But what a mess and a pain. Why can't life be simple for once? I'm still waiting for all of the pieces to fall into place: graduation, job, home, engagement, etc. It's hard being patient when there are so many big (good???) things on the horizon. Just hurry up and happen already, I say!!!

1 comment:

Brad Smith said...

Jen and I call it the "holding pattern." You just keep circling the airport but you're just not sure exactly where you can land. And the only thing you can do is keep circling until a runway clears or... :) Well, I'm sure you have plenty of fuel.