Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Days are Numbered... Illinois that is. It's my second to last day of tutoring at HCC. I'll miss the people here. It's fun just sort of hanging out, not doing much, and getting paid. I wonder if I'll ever have days like this again. After all, here I am "tutoring" and I'm updating my blog. Maybe it's just a grad student thing. Someone in the "real world" may actually expect me to work someday.

Not much new really to report. The diss is all turned in, and I have yet to get a phone call from the Grad School telling me that I made some horrible blunder on my printed copies, so I might just be home free on the thing. I'm working extra hours at the CTLT-LMNOP this week to make up for the 3 days I'm missing next week due to my jaunt to Iowa. This will be weird. Drive to Iowa Friday afternoon/evening, drive back to Illinois Wednesday morning, family arrive Friday for graduation, drive home (for good) on Saturday.

The two main questions most prevelant on people's minds: 1) have you found a place to live yet. ANSWER: NO. 2) Have you found a job yet. ANSWER: NO. I've applied for some good jobs at cool schools and am keeping my fingers crossed that I'll get a call for an interview. Still thinking about the online teaching thing, but am now waiting for word from the chair of that school to "approve" me. I also might try this editing internship gig with Rachel's publishing company. I'm a little worried about the time commitment involved though and it doesn't pay anything for quite some time. I guess I'm still tryingto think about whether I can do it or not. Part of me is also afraid to fail. I've never been a content editor and am afraid to be told after a few months of training that I don't have the right stuff for it. I suppose I should just go for it and see what happens. It could be a really cool opportunity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One week until you get to wear that fancy robe you've been dreaming about! I can't wait to hear about the grad ceremony, and to see pictures. But I don't envy your job/apartment searching. All grads go through it, and before you know it you'll be sitting in your new office somewhere saying "THIS is what I worked so hard for?!".