Thursday, April 17, 2008

Defense Countdown

I had to share this cute pic. Here is Jackson and me during Suzie and Rachel's visit a few weeks ago. Suz sent it to me, and I've been meaning to get it posted. I've got a freaky smile, but Jackson looks good, which is more important.

Here it is: 4 days until the dissertation defense. I haven't totally started freaking out about it yet, but I know come Saturday, and Sunday for sure, I'll feel it. I imagine it will feel something like comps, but I'm not sure. I think D, A, and I are going to get together for a bit on Sunday to do a practice session. We're all defending within the next week, so I thought it would be good practice to just sit and say our little spiel to each other and then let the other people try asking questions to which we have to try to respond. Though we won't know each other's topics, I think it will be good to actually try talking about diss-related matters. No one asks me about my diss anymore, so I don't talk about it anymore...other than to complain about it, of course. There seems to be a point at which people just stop asking you about the topic or what you think about it. Why is that? My guess is that they're sick of hearing you (me) whine about the process or the Director, which I will inevitably do if they ask me about it.

Work is slow today. I'm waiting for people to get materials back to me so I can finish this last major newsletter of my work career at ISU. It's kind of sad to think about, but this issue's been a pain in the wazoo, so I'm not thinking I'll miss it that much.

Ken's been sick in Iowa. He caught a cold right before DC which has turned into something nasty, at least a nasty cough. His co-workers even made him go home early on Tuesday because he was coughing so bad. He went to the urgent care center yesterday (at my mother's request). They gave him some meds, but where they called the RX in closed before he could get them. So he has to wait all day today to get them right after work. Poor guy. He's also supposed to be at Ft McCoy this weekend playing Army. I just hope he feels better. I can't do anything to help him from IL. I tried calling him to see how he was last night, but he seemed cranky, so my "try to be nice and do what I can from IL" call seemed wasted. I'm not one to talk. I've been so cranky lately about diss, job searching, and moving and he's had to put up with me. I suppose I can forgive him for being cranky when he's sick and has a good reason for being a grump.

Scary moment yesterday. My friend George at HCC lost everything on his thumbdrive when it decided to quit working on him. He lost all his students' grades from early February. I haven't backed mine up since early February myself, so when I got home yesterday, I made 2 extra copies of all that's on it. Imagine!!! Losing the diss (which I do have backed up elsewhere), all job letters, and more! Lesson learned early: never rely on technology to always "be there."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I lost a big research paper for my Master's on a disk at a critical time (yes, I feel old, I actually had mine on a "disk"). I make an insane amount of copies of everything now.
I'm thinking about you! Good luck next week! I want to hear all the details!
I need your current address. Send me an email with it!