Saturday, December 8, 2007

December 8

Real original title, eh? I've got nothing to offer by way of a creative title this morning. So far, I've spent the morning working on IS editing. Believe it or not, it took me 5-some hours to get through 1 article. Yes, 1 article. The author did a horrible job with formatting, which just served to make me angrier and angrier as I read. I even had to email the journal's editor and complain about this one person! Let this be a lesson to all of you remotely interested in publishing: don't p** off the copyeditor! Read the journal's formatting guidelines and follow them or risk the wrath of an overworked, underpaid copyeditor!

Okay, enough of my rant. This weekend will find Ken and me traveling to Cedar Rapids today for a short military thing. I'm going along for the sake of getting out of the apt and staying in a hotel even though I have oodles of work to do. While he's at his conference "board" thing in the morning, I'll be working away on projects in the hotel. I'm excited about staying at a hotel (for free!) and hopefully to relaxing in a hot tub if the hotel has one.

By Monday, we should have a good indication of when Ken will start his new job and when we'll have to deal with moving again. (Oy!) Thankfully, however, Deere pays moving costs and we're going to enjoy it for sure....that's right...we're letting the movers do the packing and the hauling! Praise be for those corporate jobs. Now I won't feel like a burden on my friends and family who helped us move to Romeoville only 5 short months ago. (Note here, thank goodness Deere also pays relocation costs associated with breaking apt. leases. What a mess that would be.)

I still have to do some organizing and pack the things I don't want the movers to deal with (read here: "break"), but I can handle that I think. I'll also need to figure out what I'm taking to B-N with me for the duration of my final (fingers crossed) spring semester. I'm waiting on final confirmation from my B-N residence facilitator (i.e., the person/people I plan to stay with), but I think things are all a-go. I have to say how wonderful the people in B-N have been, my CTLT crew and Heartland tutoring friends. When I first mentioned the new situation, several people offered to "shelter" me. Their outpouring of support has really taken me aback. I was so worried about what I was going to do, but all I had to do was mention the new situation and people like Jan, Claire, and Lisa all welcomed me. It's meant more to me than I can express. I will really miss the wonderful people and the friends I've made in Illinois.

Okay - have to go pack for what the weather channel's calling "wintery-mix" Cedar Rapids. Ah, the midwest. Isn't she lovely?

1 comment:

Susan said...

So many exciting things happening to you! How wonderful. Maybe IS will fall into line.