Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Thai Tale

So, since I'm off this week, I'm spending the time at the apt. trying to get a lot of things done before we head to Iowa for the holidays. Have I been productive? I guess it depends on who you ask. This weekend, I sent out all the IS edits to the authors for their review. To date, I've gotten 4/6 back and have actually finished 3 of them. I got one more today, but it is going to require a lot of thought and madness, so I left it alone. That leaves about 3 authors I've yet to hear from, but they have time. I always like the feeling of getting all of those edits done. My deadline isn't until January 10, so I think I'm doing ok so far.

The dissertation has been the main project. Today, I emailed first drafts of chapters 4 and 5 to my director. These are the results chapters, and it feels like I've been working on them all semester (ok, so I have been). They were originally one big chapter, but it was getting out of hand, so I split them up into two chapters of about 40 pages each. I have to say, I actually didn't hate writing chapter 5. It was much easier than chapter 4. I guess I am just more comfortable writing in a report-like matter with my own reflections mixed in. Of course, the Director hasn't commented on them yet, so they could be crap for all I know. I started on the Analysis chapter too, which as far as I can tell is going ok, but what do I know? I've never written one of those before. It's the Methodology chapter that's killing me. I've done 5 drafts so far and just can't seem to get it right. So that's what's been happening here.

Today, after writing for about 3 hours and actually going to the workout facility at the apt., I treated myself to lunch at this little Thai place down the street. I've been meaning to go, but I just never have done it. I thought the fact that I emailed 80 pages to the "Director" was cause enough to celebrate myself. I also started getting a little sad knowing that there are no such Thai places where we're moving in Iowa. Sigh. The place was quaint and quiet, and I enjoyed my Pad Thai until some loud business people came in. Correction - loud business MAN. A man and two women to be exact. For the next 20 minutes I was subjected to the man's (loud) soapbox lecture on how wonderful the South Beach diet is. The two young and naive women with him ate it up, practically jumping up and down and exclaiming how they were "definitely, like totally, going to try it." Now, having been one who tried the South Beah diet (to no avail - I'm a fan of bread, what can I say?), I know it's not as easy as this fellow was making it out to be. (Plus I caught him on a few things he got wrong about the program.) Long story short: the Thai food was ok, but the atmosphere get annoying really fast with this guy. I'm just glad I don't have to work with him.

Well, it's almost 6 p.m. and I'm waiting for Ken to come home from work so we can find something for dinner. Last night, we ate a little something at home and then wandered over to the apt. clubhouse where they were hosting a holiday celebration for the renters. It was quite lovely. They had a fire going in the fireplace, music, and some tasty little treats. We didn't stick around too long though as there were several children running around and by the time I'd had a cracker or two, I'd reached my limit on dodging children for the evening.

I was proud of myself for one thing yesterday. At Ken's work, they had a holiday potluck and he needed to bring something. Since I'm home this week, I told him I'd make something. I made fudge, which I haven't made since Dad was alive, and, for the first time, little smokies in sweet sauce. I wasn't too pleased with the smokies and didn't think they tasted that great, but when Ken brought home my mini-crock pot, it was empty, so I guess they couldn't have been too bad. And the fudge was gone too! A minor accomplishment on my part, I'd say.

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