Monday, July 22, 2013

Thrift Store Happiness

We just returned from one of our regular trips to IL to Matt and Lisa's for a fun-filled time of shopping at thrift stores in the 'burbs. My major finds this trip: books, books, and more books! I don't usually find that many that I like enough to want to get, but this time I went book crazy. I found books on gardening, managing money, general fiction, a book on the guy Rudy for whom the movie bearing the same name was about, and random other items. It seemed like everywhere I went I found books I had to - for some reason or another - purchase.

So now my dining room table is covered with books that I really don't know what to do with right now. Some will make their way to my office at school as I thought they had some general educational potential ( at least at the time I bought them-now I'm trying to remember what that was). One cool find was a small republished Sears & Roebuck catalog from 1909. It's really fun to look through that and see what was being sold and for how much. Surely, I can make some sort of lesson out of that for my HCC classes, right?

I'd try posting a picture of the table, but I'm upstairs lounging and don't feel like going all the way down (12) steps to do so. Please don't take my laziness personally.

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