Sunday, July 28, 2013

As the Grass Grows....

And now for another installment of our soap opera based on the ever-evolving joys of home ownership (which today includes lawn care) : "As the Weeds Grow..." (other names under consideration: "One Lawn to Mow," "Days of our Lawn," "The Lawn and the Restless." Suggest other names if you have some.)  Last time, you'll remember that I posted a picture of the path that meanders from the patio to the pond. Well, it's still there and it's still not done. But that's okay. It's almost done. Someday it will really be done. Someday. I keep telling myself. Yes. Someday. Sigh.

What I have for you here instead is a look at a before and after. Because it is important to reflect on what HAS gotten done (especially when one's thoughts tend to turn to what hasn't been done), I thought we should take a look at the pond area when we moved in and now. I stumbled upon the before picture a couple of days ago and so went out and took a better one of now.


One thing I did notice from these pictures is how badly the bird house has fallen into disrepair. I tell Ken that we are slum lords because we provide inadequate housing for our tenants. That's one of the projects being added to the list. I know we need to clean and paint it, but I'm not sure how to go about that while there are still birds living in it. If anyone knows what to do, please advise. When I look at these, I'm amazed at how overgrown it was -- and we thought this was awesome when we bought the house! Yikes. Of course, now we know how much work it actually is to care for a pond plus fish. (I made Ken clean the filter again...ewwww.)

More to come.

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