Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Good Day

I had a good day at work today...sometimes one of those just comes along now and then. Today was nice just because I felt good about the work I did with my students. In my 9:00 a.m. Writing II class, I had planned on a peer review and workshop for them to finish up their third paper assignment. However, when we all got settled, students shared their confusion with a source citation assignment -- we are just beginning to work on citing sources using MLA. (This is always a challenging time for students as the whole idea of citing information using a set of rules gets very overwhelming for some dev ed students.) Instead of going with the day's plan, I scrapped it. I gave an extension on the paper assignment and we spent the day working through citation problems together. What I really liked about the class though was the discussion. This is a class that doesn't just sit by and expect to be told things -- they jumped in and were helping each other, asking me questions, and providing answers as we worked. At the end of class, students thanked me for changing the course plan so they could get more experience working on citations.

It was a good feeling overall. As a teacher, some days aren't great. They aren't terrible, but they aren't necessarily great. Today was a pretty good day.  I left that class feeling good. Thankfully, the remaining two classes went well too to wrap up a good day.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Too much for one day...Part 1

NOTE: I actually wrote this quote a while ago -- I just forgot to post it.

Yesterday, what a day. It started off just fine. The excitement of election day...going in early to get some grading done before class (and almost feeling caught up on grading for the first time in about 3 months)...and all began.

I got to work at about 6:25 a.m. It's dark. It's raining. It's cold. The parking lot is empty except for me. My class begins at 7:30 a.m. so I am there to finish some grading, check email, get ready for the day. I walk up to the door of the building carrying my book bag, carrying my lunch, carrying my purse, and carrying my umbrella. When I get to the building, I discover it's locked. Locked. Again. Sigh. You see, we (faculty) used to have keys to get into the building, but when the building was remodeled this summer, they changed the way that we get in the locked building -- now we use scan our IDs to get into out offices and we're supposed to be able to do the same to get in the building. Yet, here it is November and my ID still won't let me in.

No worries though. I can call Public Safety to let me in, which I do.

Need to take time for me

Wow - I have been so negligent in my posting. I just logged on and couldn't believe it when I saw my last post was in October! Yikes! My apologies to anyone who might still possibly be checking this.

Here's the latest: I work too much. Yes, I am admitting it. My life has been work, work, work. I don't have time to do anything around the house like sew, seriously clean, or organize/get rid of things. It's really starting to get me down. My weight is going up again -- so much for those 30 pounds I had lost last year at this time. They're back and with a vengeance. I feel rotten most of the time and am really disappointed in  myself for going backwards health-wise. It seems like everyone I know is losing weight and what do I do? I gain it back. I feel like crap.

So what's the goos news in all of this? This summer, I am not teaching and I'm so happy! I keep thinking of what I can do to make the next 7 weeks go by faster. At night when I can't sleep, I lie in bed and think about what I will do to the yard once the weather warms up and I can get back out there and dig around in the dirt. In all, I just cannot wait to have time to do things to energize myself.

That's it for now. I hope to get back on here and post some pictures from our trip to Las Vegas for the CCCCs conference.

Uncle Roger - if you're reading this -- I'm sorry for not writing. I'm going to try to be better and make more time for myself, which includes getting on here and reflecting about things. :-)