Sunday, August 26, 2012

All Things Old Are New Again

I found out today I still have at least one loyal reader! Roger, this blog is dedicated to you!

Today's major project was to move an antique desk from its long-time home at The Farm to it's new place in Waterloo. Starting off at Mom's, we picked up her and her truck, made a quick stop at the brush dump to get rid of some debris, and then headed out to Sheila and Roger's place, aka The Farm. The plan: to pick up Great Grandma Mae Bramblette's (yes, with an 'e' at the end) writing desk and bring it to our house where the entire family can enjoy it more by having it out in the open. 

First off, I think this desk is absolutely amazing!  When I first saw it, I just had this feeling about it. It's almost like I could feel its use over the years. I never knew Great Grandma Bramblette, but I like to think there's something about her attached to this desk. In addition, because there are a lot of pieces in the desk that belonged to Grandpa Dudley Bramblett (no 'e' at the end here), it has a lot of him as part of it too. 

Truth be told, I was so scared to bring it out of the basement at The Farm -- seriously, I was afraid it would fall apart or just plain fall and break into a million pieces. However, Ken, Mom, Sheila and I somehow managed to get it up and out and in the truck. Fifty or so odd bungee cords later and Ken had it secured and we were road-ready. I'm glad to say we made it home safely and in one piece (though, thank you, Roger, for volunteering to drive behind us to pick up any falling pieces...!). It was a slow drive home, but one well worth the extra care.

Once we made it back here, it was a painstakingly slow process of getting it in the front door (only 4 steps) and then sliding it into position in the living room. I spent some time dusting and cleaning it up a bit. I also couldn't wait to put some of the original books back in it as well -- just to see what it would look like. When all was done, all I could say was, "Wow! How beautiful!"  I hope the whole family will agree and we'll have many years enjoying it together.


Susan said...

Wow, it goes so well in your living room. This is definitely a piece you'd want to build an entire decor around. Simply beautiful!

Marcea said...

Thanks, Suz! I guess I still have 2 readers! Yay!