Monday, October 3, 2011

Doing Fine!

So, for my faithful reader (so far I know at least Susie is still checking in on me), an update. Ken and I are doing fine. We're just doing our thing: work, home, play, etc. Yesterday, we took a break from each of our work projects (writing soldier evaluations for Ken and planning/grading for me) and went out to Hickory Hills park south of town. It was a great day out, so we wandered around looking at the animals in the wildlife area. Then we went down to the lake and went for a hike. Afterwards, we had dinner at Perkins. I've been trying to eat better, so I stuck with the chicken breast on wild rice with broccoli. It was pretty good, I must confess. Ken stuck to his "tremendous twelve" breakfast platter.

Work is good -- I can't complain. The only thing that's getting me down a bit are the students who just sit there and don't do anything -- don't talk, don't participate, don't pay attention. It seems particularly bad this semester for some reason. Maybe it's just because I had the whole summer off so it seems like a big deal now. I just hate it when they look and act like zombies. It's really just a few here and there; overall, students are all pretty nice.

So, there's really not a whole lot new to report other than to say that life is good and we are blessed. We hope the same is true for all of our friends and family.


Anonymous said...

You know, regarding the students that just sit there and don't do anything...have you read the book Switch: How to change when change is hard? While it doesn't directly relate to the kids in your class that aren't participating, I found it very inspirational and motivating, and you may be able to apply something in there to your students. Just an idea, anyway.

And I'm still checking in on you, too! Glad to hear everyone is well - and I probably would have gone with the T12 platter, too. :)

Susan said...

What is the T12? I'm thinking I would probably like it.... Rachel has taken to "calling out" her students--just asking them why they are sitting there like zombies or saying, "Really? Is that all you've got for me? I worked really hard on this Prezi, and I get no response?" It just helps lighten the mood, I think.

Marcea said...

T12 = Tremendous 12: 3 eggs, 3 sausage, hashbrowns, 2 toast, 3 pancakes. My heart hurts just thinking about it!!!