Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Trip to the Apple Orchards

Yay! I have 2 readers!! Thanks to Susie and Nikki for still checking in on me/us! That does my heart good.

This weekend has so far found us taking off from the Waterloo area and experiencing the fall colors. Sounds corny, I know, but everything looks so good outside and smells like fall all over the place. We took off Friday afternoon after I got done teaching. Ken even left work a little early -- that rarely happens! We headed out to his Dad's to check in and say hi and then were off on the road. We decided to go to this place in Wisconsin called Gays Mills (yes, that's really its name) where it's apple orchard upon apple orchard. Passing through the Mississippi valley area, we saw so many trees changing colors and as we made it toward the orchard areas. I took some pictures but haven't had a chance to get them ready for uploading yet. We ended up getting 2 bags of apples -- honeycrisp and creston (or something that sounds like that). We also bought some fresh squash and apple butter, which I adore!

It was so nice to get away from home and away from thinking about home/school/work. In addition to the students I mentioned in the last blog post, i.e., the zombies, I seem to have some who were especially starved for attention as children. Some follow me around in the room and to my office while others talk over others that I am speaking to just so they can be heard. Then I have some that act like children, okay maybe just one in particular who is so immature. On Friday in class, I had to actually tell him to stop jumping in class. He obviously has ADD/ADHD or something. For example, he almost always comes in late, and then when he does, he tries to bend down as he walks in between me and the class (whom I'm already speaking to as I've begun class). His bending down as he walks in, not out of embarrassment for being late but rather more for attention because he is trying to make it look like he is sneaking past me. Like I can't see this big dude with his baggy clothes and bright green sports jerseys crouching down in front of me. He wears on me and it's a struggle sometimes to go to class knowing he'll be there. In all seriousness, I really thought he was not likely to be here this long into the semester. I know that sounds bad, but early on her gave me the "Just here for the Financial Aid check" vibe. Alas, here we are at midterm and he is still coming in late and doing his jumping jacks in class.

Well, I'm home now and am beat. Tomorrow's a long day of grading and doing all the things I didn't do today. Thanks, friends, for reading. Before I log off, I'm heading over to your blogs to see what you're up to.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I'm sure that the religious right is picketing Gays Mills... :)