Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This week is insane. Yes, insane.

So I thought I was doing really good by getting so many portfolios graded early. Okay, that is a good thing, yes, but what was I thinking about taking on all this other stuff? On top of grading portfolios and final exams, I agreed to review another textbook (for $150 who wouldn't??) but that needs to be done by Thursday. Then I have the Division holiday party to get ready for Wednesday night -- we're hosting the 6-8 p.m. version with desserts & drinks at our house. So I've been making Christmas treats for a while now and need to make more this afternoon (and of course clean or something like it). Then there's needing to get final grades posted by Thursday, then graduation Thursday night, and then we leave for our Army Yellow Ribbon event in Denver, CO. Sometime in there I'm supposed to be doing some Christmas shopping and prep our house again for the two family Christmases we are hosting for family (Christmas eve & day). Not sure when all of that is going to happen. I'm sort of hoping for another blizzard so that graduation can be postponed and our trip may be put off for a later time. Fingers crossed.

More finals today. We'll see if anything grinds my gears today. Have a great day all!

1 comment:

Susan said...

posted at 4:40 a.m.?!?!!? Get some sleep, girl!