Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Good-Bye Artemus

Artemus passed away on Saturday, December 18 at home. He had been diagnosed with feline leukemia in November, and so we knew all we could do was make him comfortable as there is no cure or meds for that. He rallied for a bit and was eating, cleaning himself, and even playing some. However, in the last few days, he had less of an appetite and was drinking almost constantly. We knew we'd have to make a decision soon.

On Thursday evening, Ken and I left for an Army conference in Denver, CO and received a call Saturday morning from our neighbor who was watching the cats. He told us that Artemus had pased away early that morning at home. I am so sad that I was not there for him as he passed, but I am grateful that God allowed him to be at home when he went. I miss him terribly as he was "my" cat, always cuddling with me while I was grading in the chair, following me to bed every night, and really being my shadow around the house. He was my "serious" cat, not one to give in to the silly antics of his fellow cats, even giving looks of disapproval to the other cats at times.

I just hope he knew how much we loved him and that we made his three years with us the best that they could have been. So long, my Moo Moo.


Anonymous said...

:'( {{{hugs}}}

Mel said...

So sorry about Artemus, but take comfort he's in a better place!!

Marcea said...

Thanks, Mel and Nicki. It was especially hard coming home last night and not seeing him in the house.