Monday, November 1, 2010

Lazy, lazy, lazy students!

My students are SO stinking lazy! Today in each of my 4 Writing I classes, I had on average about 6 0r 8 students out of 20 who showed up. Nice, huh? Well, the first class did good on having their early drafts of papers ready for turn-in, but slowly as the day progressed, each class had fewer and fewer students who did their homework. By the time my last class rolled around, I had 2 students who actually did their assignment. That's right....2! Granted, that gives me fewer papers to grade, but COME ON PEOPLE! I showed one students his grade -- he's at a 30% and didn't have a clue he was that low. When I pointed out that he hasn't turned in a single assignment, he didn't seem shocked that he wasn't passing. He's been there for almost every single class and so I think he thinks that if he shows up he'll still pass. Sorry dude.

I seriously wonder about these people. How do they function in everyday life? Do they really think that can make a decent living with an education for which they did not do anything? Sigh.

Is it December yet?

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