Sunday, October 10, 2010

Midterm and I'm pooped

I just looked at the blog and realized I haven't written anything since Week 3 of the semester. Well, here it is the start of Week 8, and I'm thinking, "Crap, where do I even start?" How about school? I've already lost several students to the imaginary plague this semester so my classes are down to about 12 in each of my Writing I classes and 18 or so in my Writing II classes. That hasn't seemed to make my work load any lighter though. The papers keep coming and piling up. I'm so far behind I don't know where to start.

For the past 3 weeks, I've had to travel to Des Moines for conferences. I also made an impromptu trip to South Bend, IN to see my friend Megan. (She lives in Cleveland, but we split the drive.) We had a great girls' weekend, shopping, hanging out with Max the dog, and checking out the Notre Dame campus. I had no idea how beautiful that place is! It was also cool to get to see Touchdown Jesus in person!

The house is coming along, but thank goodness we didn't have to do a lot when we moved in. It's a daily struggle to get things together for the week let alone get caught up on house projects. We don't dare start anything new! For a while there, Ken was at home and so took care of a lot of household things, laundry, etc. But he's back to work now, so that means we have to find a good balance of trying to get everything done. I seriously don't know how people with kids do it.

Well, I want to get some pictures posted on here of my trip to South Bend, but I have to finally get to some grading tonight. I'll try to get those on soon. Right now I'm just looking forward to a 4-day week!

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