Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yay, Election!

So this was the first time I really truely remember being happy about an election! I was so excited to go home on Tuesday night after my UNI class to watch the coverage. Seriously, that has never happened before! Ken and I hunkered down at home in comfy pants with popcorn and watched the results come in. We stayed in the living room until about 9:30 at which point we decided to lie down and watch it all unfold. At that point Ken fell asleep, but I stayed up for another hour. The next thing I knew, I'd fallen asleep myself around 11, waking up long enough to decide that I really should turn the TV off and go to bed.

I wish I would have stayed up a little longer though as it was shortly thereafter that they called the election in favor of Obama! Yah hoo! I really wish I could have seen his speech and felt the excitement of the moment. I got up super early on Wednesday though and managed to catch most of the highlights on TV before heading to work.

It was such a good feeling to know that our country is starting to move in a different direction. Like so many others around me here at school and at home, I really feel hopeful that things will get better. And while we know the war isn't going to end anytime soon and Ken is going to have to go back to Iraq in May of 2009, at least I feel better knowing that someone is in the White House (or soon will be) that really and truely wants to get us out of these wars.

On my drive into work on Wednesday morning, it was a dreary rainy day, but as I made it up toward campus, the clouds broke and the sun peeked out. As I sat at a stop sign and looked to the right watching for oncoming traffic, I saw a rainbow -- a perfect rainbow! It stretched across the whole sky and even had a double band to it. I took a picture with my cell phone to remember it; now I really wish I had a picture for this blog. It just made me feel somewhat better about the state of things. I hope it's a good sign of what is to come with the new administration.

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