Monday, September 1, 2008

Thank goodness for 4-day weekends at the beginning of the semester

Week 1 is done. It was certainly quite the busy week. It's going to take some time for me to adjust to 4 classes at Hawkeye and 2 at UNI. It's very interesting seeing just how different the two populations really are. Case in point: I have 2 students at HCC who told me the first day that they are pregnant and several more who already have children (they are younger than I am). At UNI, non of my students have referenced having children or families other than their siblings and parents.

I teach at Hawkeye on MWF and UNI on TR, so at least I am not running all over the place. That will make it nice, I think, when I can go sit up at UNI on TR and grade during the morning for those classes or even work on HCC stuff for class as well. I got all my preps done for 3 of my HCC classes this week as well as my UNI one. I still need to get ready for Wednesday's HCC other class. That's on my agenda for tomorrow.

The good thing is that all of the people I work with at HCC are really nice. I was kind of worried that they might not accept me or would be snooty or resentful toward me for taking the job, but so far, so good. Of course, I haven't really interacted much yet with the adjuncts or RPT writing teachers since we have very different teaching schedules. Soon our meetings together will begin though I think. Starting the week after this one, I'll also be taking a new faculty course called Linking Teaching and er...something or other. We're required to take it as new faculty and we get "graduate credit for it"...ohh...just what I want. At least the tuition is reimburseable through the college. It's weird to think they require us to take these courses and give us credit for it. I hadn't exactly been planning on taking more classes right away, but at least they're teaching courses, so hopefully they'll be interesting.

We had a nice Labor Day weekend! We had our last garage sale of the season on Saturday. Sister Maria came and helped out all day, and thank goodness she did because we we're busier than I ever imagined we'd be on a holiday weekend. We made over $200 on a 1-day sale, which will be divided between Maria, Lisa, and Ken and me, based on what items we each sold. Ken and I plan to use garage sale money for house-related items. Right now we're thinking about either putting the money toward a nice clock for the living room or a rug for the living room floor. We haven't decided yet. The best part is that our garage is just about cleaned out again. We'll be able to put one of the cars in come winter!

Well, the night is drawing to a close and I want to get some sleep for the week. More later!


Nikki said...

Not to be a downer, but don't expect love from the adjuncts. Typically, you got a job over one of them and, at least at ICC, it's a very "us and them" attitude. It makes me sad because I was an adjunct for so long, but the hostility is palpable sometimes....

Marcea said...

I know what you mean. So far, everyone has been very nice and supportive (at least to my face!). Here's hoping it really is that way.