Sunday, October 7, 2007

Expanding Family

It's been a while since I've written, and with good reason. Things are just too busy! The diss is coming along, but I've reached a point in my Results chapter where I'm just sick of writing. My advisor still hasn't given me comments on my Methodology chapter revision, which has me believing what I wrote was crap and has affected my ability to write my Results chapter.

Anyway, work at the CTLT, doing presentations, diss writing, editing for IS, and taking part in writing some lessons for ReadWriteThink are keeping me busy. I'm also in the midst of looking for jobs which has me completely stressed. But I won't go into that here.

In other news of being busy, we've expanded our family by one cat. A person at the Tutoring Center was about to send her cat up the river (i.e., Humane Society) due to some family troubles. Not wanting a cat to suffer, Ken and I agreed to take on Artemas for a trial period to see if he and Tucker would get along. After a hellish week of Artie hiding under the bed, hissing and swatting at the three of us, and then the relentless hours of cat fighting in the evenings, we've finally reached a point where we all seem to tolerate each other. There were numerous days/nights when we were ready to send him up the river ourselves (even after we were greatly assured that he was a very affectionate cat). Artie is now doing much better. He's almost completely out from under the bed and is letting us pet him without the incessant swatting and hissing. We think this may actually work out. Ken took this picture today of Tucker and Artie enjoying some Sunday morning lounging. You'd never know it was WW3 only a few hours before. Artie is the one at the top of the picture.

The evenings are still the worst times, however. If we let Tucker and Artie stay together, we are always awaken by the sounds of cat fighting. We have to lock one in a bedroom for the evening if we are to get any sleep. Ken and I have decided that we don't like being awoken in the night, and thus the idea of having children in the future is unappealing. Once I'm awake, it takes me 1-2 hours to get back to sleep, and you don't want to know me in the morning. (Seriously. Ask Ken.)

So that's what's been going on here.


Nikki said...

Precious baby! It'll get better eventually...honest! It takes time...

Susan said...

It's Smoky!!!!!!!

Rachild said...

I hope they get along. You are good people for saving him.