Friday, October 19, 2007

The Big 3-0 approaches!

Thank goodness it's Friday. That's the only thing on my mind right now. Well, that and all the work I have to get done today alone. It's been one busy week. Things at work are very busy right now. We're all about planning the annual Teaching & Learning Symposium in January, so I'm in many meetings to discuss correspondence, signage, presenters' gifts, and other details. I'm also getting a lot of "must do" emails coming through everyday, from symposium proposals to log or University Award portfolios to deal with. Yesterday alone I spent my first 6 hours at work just dealing with meetings and sending/responding to emails. I have other projects that have been sitting on my desk needing to be attended to--the monthly newsletter for one thing. So much work coupled with the fact that I'm leaving next Thursday-Sunday for a conference in Pittsburg has me a little worried about how I'll get that newsletter done on time.

Today is supposed to be a big work at home day for me. I have IS editing to finish and get out to the authors for review. I also need to respond to emails pertaining to a workshop I'm doing the first Wed in Nov. All that to do (maybe even think about the Diss at some point...) and Ken and I are leaving tonight for a birthday weekend in the country. Yes, it's October, which means its time for me to turn the big 3-0 at last. I really don't feel any different. The only thing I wish I had accomplished by this time in my life is school. I really wish I had finshed my PhD before turning 30. It would be so nice to be done and have a job (and money) about now. All in good time, I suppose. At least I'll get it while I'm 30, if all goes according to plan.

We're headed to Matt & Lisa's tonight to break our stay on our way to Galena for a fine time at a B&B, eating at my fav Galena restaurant, Vinni Vanucci's, and then two walking ghost tours of Galena on Sat night. Matt & Lisa will be in NYC this weekend so unfortunately we won't get to see them as we use their house for rest. They are off enjoying Lisa's anniversary gift to Matt: tickets to a Giants game at Giant's Stadium in NYC. If you know anything about M&L, you know this is HUGE! You should have seen Matt's face when she surprised him with those tickets. There may have been tears, I can't remember.

That's all I have for now. Will return with fun Galena pics, I hope!

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