Saturday, September 15, 2007

Apartment Pictures

I thought it was time to share some of the pictures of the rooms in our new place. A virtual tour, if you will. This is our living room taken from the entry way. It's a little dark in this picture. When I was taking it, I forgot that the open blinds would make the room look darker. Sorry about that. The large item in the upper left corner is our TV cabinet - the one Keely gave us. We love it! It was a royal pain in the you-know-what to move, but it holds and hides so much stuff. This morning I finally got the stereo hooked up. That's a project I've been putting off for quite some time. I'm proud to say I accomplished it by myself (sans Ken).

This is the view from the living room into the dining room. We're still working on hanging pictures in the dining room so the walls look pretty bare. To the left is the kitchen and to the right is the hallway leading to the bedrooms and bathrooms.

A few weekends ago we spent some time finally hanging pictures on the walls. To the right you can see the picture Ken sent me from Iraq. It's a drawing of a picture of us that was taken shortly before he was shipped over. While he was there, he had an Iraqi man make the drawing from the picture of us he had.

The next picture is our kitchen, cow decor included. Those of you who know me know that I like Holstein cows. You can't really see in this picture, but I have more cow items above the cupboards. The door from the kitchen leads to our laundry room/Tucker's "bathroom" and eatery.

This picture isn't one on the major tour, but it was funny. As some of you know, Tucker has a this thing about sleeping in sinks. Every place we've been, he's found a sink to curl up in. At first I thought it was a security thing, then a it's cool and comfortable thing, now I just don't have a clue why he does it. But it always makes us laugh and usually surprises a few houseguests when they go to the kitchen or bathroom only to find a cat has joined them. Really, for the size of cat he is, it's amazing how he can make himself fit inside small sinks. Here he is in the guest bathroom.


Rachild said...

Looks great! I can't wait to visit.

Marcea said...

we can't wait to have you visit! We have a space in the guest bedroom for Baby J!

Susan said...

It's so lovely! How are your neighbors? Made any "hey neighbor" friends yet?

Marcea said...

Haven't met any neighbors yet. People seem pretty reserved around here.