Friday, April 6, 2012

Where there's a roof, there's gotta be a bat, right?

After 5 (the 6th was MIA) roofers coming to check out the house, I think we've got one chosen. I'll say more after we meet with him this afternoon to discuss things.  Regarding the other post's issue: I contacted the construction company that made the repairs in 2010 and they swore that no estimate had been made for rotten wood around the rest of the house, other than the front which was replaced then. I also checked with our realtor about that and the house disclosure statement from the previous owners. Long story short: it looks like they aren't liable for anything and we'll be paying for all projects. I didn't really think we'd score some money from them, but it was certainly worth a try, so thanks to you who suggested.

Another issue -- and you can be sure I'm bringing this up with the roofing guy today -- bats. I hate bats. No, not baseball bats. You know what I mean -- the flying mice-like things. Ugh, I hate them! Did I already say that? 

So, anyway, bat #3 made its way into our house on Wednesday at some point (Now that I thnk about it, I wonder if it's just the same bat?). I was in the basement about to change laundry at around....oh....8:30 p.m. Naturally, all three cats followed me down there expecting to get fed. As I was walking into the laundry room, I heard a weird scratching sound. I stood still waiting for it to continue. It continued. The cats looked puzzled, but none of them got off their chunky cat butts to check it out and rid the house of the intruder -- why the heck do we have those cats anyway? I ran upstairs to tell Ken I heard something scratching but wasn't sure what it was. We both grabbed flashlights, went to the window fan area where the noise was coming from, shined the flights, and.....BAT!!!!!  The nasty little rodent was trying to climb around inside this old window fan. My first thought was, "Ah ha! Now we know how they are getting in!" Sadly though after checking out the entrance outside, we realized its sealed pretty good so they must have a different entrance point. The mystery continues.

Naturally, I hid in the laundry room while I made Ken get rid of the thing, which he did. He used the $5 "Grab It" thing we bought at Menards -- now that's a purchase that has more than paid for itself! I'm still freaked out. I'm dying to know how they are getting in. People say to check the attic, so I'm going to make the roof guy check it out, and he WILL find a way to make some fixes. Oh yes, he will!

1 comment:

Susan said...

I have the creeps just reading this! I HATE bats, too!!!!! We haven't had any for several years, knock wood, but for a while they were a regular occurrence. Good thing the "grab it" worked!