Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Work, weeds, and a clogged sink

This will be just a quick update as it's been a long week already and I'm pooped. Things here are fine. The new furnature arrived and is loved by all. We kept it covered for a bit during the days when we weren't home until we could figure out how the cats would react to it, but all is well there. I'll get some pictures up this weekend I hope.

Ken and I are headed to a Minnesota Twins v. Rangers game on Friday night. Our friends Kelly and Jeff gave us 4 free tickets and supposedly they're pretty good seats--about 20 rows up behind home plate...at least that's what the internet tells us where they are. We're going to stay the night at a military base for a whopping $33/night! Wowsa! We gave the other two tickets to my nephew Josh who's bring his buddy up for the game. I think Ken and I will go to the Mall of America on Saturday for a while then home again to complete more house projects. We're planning a little housewarming at the beginning of August and there's still a lot I want to get done around the place. I've been putting landscaping bricks that we got from sister Kathy's place in Parkersburg (the house that fell apart in the tornado), so that looks nice. I can't get any flowers to plant though because, unbeknownst to me, there are only certain times of the year where you can get the cheapo gardening flowers. Oh well. We'll make do. The landscaping still looks nice though with the bricks.

In other news, we bought a lawnmower with our garage sale earnings, which I tried out last Sunday. Works great! We also just finished dealing with a little plumbing issue - the kitchn sink majorly clogged and even after a bottle of draino and me tearing the pipes apart underneath, we couldn't fix it. So we had to call Philly McGilly, the landlady (no that's not her real name - we just liked the sound of it) to get a plumber in here. Surprisingly, one came out today and all is restored. Of course, this would have to happen the week we have a houseguest staying with us! My friend Tina whom I knew from UNI is in town for a youth theatre thing in CF, so she's crashing here in the evenings. That's what spare bedrooms are for, after all!

Work is, well, work. I can't say much right now about my job that I love. So far, I don't have enough to do and am bored much of the day. When I'm writing, I'm good. But I find that I have to find ways to get busy or at least look busy. People keep telling me that it's the "slow season" and that it'll pick up. It's just not very intellectually stimulating at the moment, and I feel sort of out of place right now. It's hard to get to know these people, and it's so different from teaching/academia. I feel a bit like a square peg right now. It's also hard being in a small department -- there are only 3 of us, which if I do my math right, makes me the third wheel. I'm still looking for other jobs (this is a contract position) and have applied for a full-time teaching job at the local community college....fingers majorly crossed. I keep trying not to get my hopes up, but I think it's too late for that. They're up and I'm hoping. I submitted my materials last week and the deadline isn't until this Friday. It'll be ok if I don't get it, but I know I'll be disappointed.

I do plan to adjunct at UNI this fall though in addition to the regular job. They've asked me to teach 2 composition classes, which I'm actually kind of excited about. First, more money, and second, a chance to get back in the classroom after a year off. It will be interesting to teach and not be a student at the same time.

OK - better run. I want to pull some more weeds before the sun goes down.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Pictures! We need pictures of your new furniture!