Friday, December 16, 2011


Today was finally the end....the of the semester. Yee Haw and a great big, "THANK GOODNESS!" Hallelujah! What a great day! Seriously. I mean it. It was a great day, and in my opinion, an exciting day!

You see, the truth is that there isn't a whole lot that I get excited over these days. At the ripe old age of 34, I've seen a lot. It's the little things in life that make me most happy: a clean house, NCIS and popcorn with Ken, a shower before bed along with fresh sheets, finding The Goonies on TV...You see, I'm a pretty content person and so the last few times I was ever seriously excited about something include the following (I may be missing some, but these are what come to mind automatically): Christmas eve as an 7-8 year old and receiving my doctoral gown in the mail. That second one sad? Maybe. But if you knew what it took to get that thing, you'd probably have cried too. I know I should add things like getting married and Ken coming home from war and all, and yes, those were important moments in life. But what I'm thinking about here is the youthful excitement that comes from deep within, something that stirs you at the core and makes it impossible for you to sit still.

Yes, my friends, that is how I felt today. Today was the best day - the last day of fall semester! A break... we all get a break...from work, from each other, from meetings, from going to bed super early and getting up super early, to responding to emails, to thinking about what to wear, oh how the list does go on. Today, I was so excited that I was actually skipping in the hallway outside my office. Yes, it was just that kind of day. Thankfully, I was not the only one to admit feeling this way. Many of my colleagues admitted to feeling excited and simply boisterous because of what the calendar was telling us. Freeeeeeeeedom!!!!