Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 3 already?!

Now that Labor Day weekend is officially over, it really seems like the school year is in full swing. I am starting to collect early drafts of students' papers so the real work is under way. Pretty soon the "honeymoon" period will be over. I'm also starting to see a few students (but not too many) starting to show up to class less frequently or perhaps not at all. Now that the teachers have had to turn in the attendance numbers for students during the first 2 weeks, the students aren't as concerned about coming as they were before. I know once the financial aid checks are disbursed, the numbers in class will really drop. I can't say as I'm too sad about that as that will mean less grading for me, and as of now with 120 students, having a few less to grade would suit me just fine.

I've had a few student issues, but nothing too serious yet. I had to "get real" with one guy who decided to cop an attitude with me last Friday. He was confused about an assignment, and after I went over it 3 or 4 times in class, he was still confused and claimed that I never discussed it. That's right! I never discussed it! Hmpf! As I was helping him individually, he actually had the nerve to say to me, "Well, you never said that!" I said, "Yes I did. It's not my fault if you weren't listening." What a tool. We'll see how long that one lasts.

We spent the weekend mostly at home with a quick trip to Williamsburg and the Amanas on Saturday. Then dinner and game night with Kelly and Jeff (awesome stuffed shells there Kelly!). Sunday found us doing house projects at home. We were really happy to see friend Melissa and her husband Terry in from Solon. It was so great to catch up! Thanks for the wine you two! And thanks to Linda and family for the housewarming gift. That will work wonderfully for us to maintain our wood floors throughout the house. We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family!

Monday meant school work for me and more house projects for Ken, but we did manage to sneak out and do a little furniture shopping. We found a queen-size wooden bed headboard/footboard/rails at Slumberland at an amazing price, so we bought that to go into our guest bedroom. Now we just need to get the mattress and box spring set. The piece we bought won't be delivered for two weeks, but I'm just happy because I can start to visualize that room now. It's currently pink (I'm not a fan of pink) and I'm ready to pursue other color opportunities. The only problem is that the attached bath has pink and lavender tiles so whatever I pick needs to work into that color scheme. Any ideas anyone?

Okay, I'm beat having worked on school stuff since 6:30 this morning. It's now almost 8:45 p.m. and I think it's time to call it quits. Later, all.